Chapter One

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Jamie woke up to screaming. It was 2 in the morning, and she could hear her dad and older brother Sam fighting over something. They were in the room right next to Jaime's so she dragged herself out of her uncomfortable 1-star motel bed. Her dad and Sam were always fighting over something, it was mostly because John (her dad) wanted his kids to be soldiers and Sam didn't listen to him (for better or worse). Jamie rubbed her eyes and grabbed her glasses. She loved them. They were blue and green, and they stayed on her face no matter what she did, but that wasn't why she loved them. No it was because her oldest brother Dean had gotten them for her. It was the only time she ever remembered that Dean got into a fight with their dad. Her father thought that glasses would make it harder to move around or get away, he believe that she should have gotten contacts. This was only a month ago, so she could have learned how to, except she had a thing with eyes. She would not, could not touch her eyes, and when her father had brought it up she was terrified that he would make her get them. Jamie wouldn't put it beneath him, she knew that he was trying to keep her safe from the monsters in the world but it was exhausting. She longed for a normal life experience. She was only 10, but she was about as mature as an adult. She hated that.

It all started back in November 2, 1983, when Dean was 4 years old and Sam was 6 months old (Jamie wasn't alive yet) when their mother Mary was killed in a supernatural fire that sent their father into a downward spiral. He vowed that he would avenge her, and so John became a hunter of all supernatural creatures and things. Jamie was technically Sam and Dean's half-sister, but she never thought about it like that, none of them did. It didn't matter that Jamie wasn't their full-sister, she was their sister, full or not.
"I dont care what you want, it doesnt matter!" She heard being screamed next door.
"Hey J why are you up" she heard from behind her. She whipped around and saw Dean sitting in the ugly motel chair. Her and Dean had shared a room in every motel they had been in for a very long time now. It was because Dean was closer to Jamie. Only because when Sam and John were fighting Dean was with Jamie trying to make her smile and not be nervous.
"They're really loud. What's wrong?" Jamie said hoping to get an answer.
"Sam wants to go to some stupid college and dad doesn't think he should, it's no biggie. Go back to bed" Dean replied, trying to end the conversation.
"College? What's so good bout college? Did you go?" Jamie said, a million questions were running through her head.
"No, I didn't. Go to bed." Dean said sighing, he knew that Jamie wouldn't leave it be, she just wouldn't. She looked at him about to ask another question when she heard Sam yell
"You are my dad not my sergeant. I'm done with you and you're belief that you rule me." Then a door slammed. Jamie looked right at Dean with shock written all over her face. Dean got up out of the chair and ran into John and Sam's room, Jamie followed. When they ran in Dean started asking what happened, while Jamie looked around the room and saw that Sam and his stuff were gone. Jamie finally put two and two together and realized that Sam had left. She ran right out the door ignoring her dad and brother who were telling her to get back inside. She saw Sam walking down the road, and ran to catch up to him.
"Sam, Sam, SAM!!!" She yelled. He looked back and saw her, he stopped walking and waited for her to catch up.
"Sam what ya doin?" She said breathing heavy.
"Leaving" he replied with no emotion.
"Cause this family is the worst! I hate our family, I wish I was born to anybody but this family!" He yelled trying to let go of his anger and sadness. Jamie's face sunk. He hated their family, and who was a part of his family... her. She looked at him and saw that he was telling the truth. Her heart sunk, he hated her. She looked him dead in the eye and said "then leave and don't ever come back, we don't need you. You need us" and with that she marched back to the motel. Sam watched her walk away, he wondered what made her all of a sudden snap. He watched her ponytails bounce with every step she took. He wanted to go back home and say a proper goodbye, but it was obvious that he wasn't welcomed back, so he kept walking. Jamie got back inside and ignored her father yelling at her and when she got to her "room" she laid down and sobbed the rest of the night.

The end of chapter 1
Thank you for reading this! If there are any spelling mistakes just comment on them and I will fix them. If you where wondering what Jamie looked like it is the girl at the top of the story. Tell me what you think about it in the comments.
Thank you again and have a great rest of your day!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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