~3~:Unforgettable Memories

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Nightmare's POV

I'm now at my home or my castle to be exact
Sitting on my throne room while thinking about Ink
I don't know why but...I'm gonna bring back the memories of me being with Ink,cuz I just like to

-flashback(when they were kids)-

I was just reading at my book and sitting under the tree while the others are busy at playing
I'm at my passive form also
It was really quiet and no interruptions while I was reading until...
"Hey there! Wanna play with me?" Someone suddenly asked
I looked up to see a kid like me with an ink splotch on their right cheek and the most noticeable is his brown long scarf
"Oh..uh...no thanks" I said then looked down at my book again
"Hey Ink! Come on! It's your turn now!" Someone yelled and recognized it as Error,he's been my friend since last 3 days...
"Okay! Comin!" The kid who was infront of me called Ink ran towards the others...

Day 2

It's really weird that...Ink's so talkative, and it's fast for him to be friends with me,I wonder how he do that...I'm sure that he has more friends now and easy to make friends than anyone

Day 3

"Hey! Ink! Get down from there!
You're gonna fall!" I yelled
Ink was now on the tree swinging on the branch
"Don't worry! I'm having fun! Join me!" He yelled back
"But-" I said but I heard a crack on where Ink was swinging on
"I-Ink! I think it's gonna break!" I yelled in worry
"Really? I don't think so" he said and sat down on the branch
Welp...I saw a crack,the crack then started to get big that's when he was now scared
I went closer
"Ink,come on! U still have the chance to get down!" I yelled
"N-no! The branch of the tree is gonna fully break and I'm gonna fall!" He yelled
My eyes widened in shock that one more sound or...crack,he's gonna fall
"O-okay! I'm gonna catch you!" I yelled
"I'm scared!" He yelled back and now hugging the branch
"Trust me!" I exclaimed and positioned myself to catch him
"1....2...-!" The branch then started to fully break
"Ok ok! I'm gonna jump!" He yelled
Then jumped and caught him perfectly and gently
He then hugged me,I hugged back
"U ok?" I asked

Days went by...
I had a crush on Ink..
We've became close friends
Also I noticed Error is giving me a weird look sometimes when I was with Ink
We're hanging out together every day, playing,chatting,and others
One day...
When me and Ink are alone at that night...still under the tree where he sat on and fell on me
We are stargazing for a while...until there's no other words or ideas to talk about,it was now my chance to tell him how I feel for him...but in different way for sure
"Hey Ink?" I asked
"Hm?" He hummed still looking at the stars
"Can I tell u something?" I asked
"Sure what is it?" He asked
"Well...can we be more than just best friends..?" I asked
He then looked at me
"Oh,u mean super best friends?!" He exclaimed happily
I sighed in defeat...
I better not tell him yet...
"Heh..yeah sure..." I muttered

Years later(when they are now)

Yap,back to my corrupted form
Also....after the truce,I called everyone of my gang in the meeting room
And started to discuss something,until I sensed Ink's aura in this room...
I started to look around to where he could hide and started listening to our conversations..
I chuckled and there is only one place where he could hide in this room...
Under the table...
I sighed and started to listen at my gang's discussion and how would I comment on them,and also pretending that Ink's not here

When the discussion is finally over as my gang exited the room and me the only one left who stood up..
I pulled him out from his hiding spot with my tentacle as he let out a squeak
He can also yell in this room whenever he want cuz this room is soundproof
"N-Nightmare!? L-let me go!" He exclaimed and started to struggle on my grip
I think that he thought I'm gonna kill him for eavesdropping
"Listening to our discussions... I see,how interesting" I muttered then pinned him down on the table with my tentacles that was on his wrists and ankles
He looked terrified tho
"Now tell me...do u think that we would break the truce that's why you're here to listen?" I asked and leaned closer to him
"Why would I tell you??!" He yelled
"It's obvious tho...
Now..I'll punish you for sneaking at my castle and eavesdropping at our discussions" I cooed then slowly raised my hands
"W-what are you gonna do!?" He asked and now trembling
"Oh come on...I missed the old days~" I cooed
"What do you- HAHAHAHAHHAHA W-WAIT- AHHAHAHAHAHAH STAAAHAHAHAAP! PLEHEHEHEESSE! HAHAHAHA!" He said then started laughing hard while tickling him
Welp,I just found out he's super ticklish when we were kids,and I tickle him when he do something wrong...

"NIHAHAHAHAGHT! STAHAHAHAHAAP! HAHAHAHAHA HEHE HAHAHA!" I couldn't understand his words anymore because of laughing
The part of him I always tickle was his chest,his ribcage,his spine...
I never tried the other parts like his neck
I thought for a while then my hands started to move to his neck and started tickling it
He stopped laughing and started to shut his mouth
I was confused as he started shaking his head 'no'
I smirked and didn't stop tickling that part cuz I was curious why he wasn't ticklish that part
That's when...he suddenly let out a soft moan..that I could ever imagine in the bed with him- what the-....
I stopped tickling him and looked shock
He quickly hide his face on his scarf as I unpinned him with my tentacles
When I did that,he quickly grabbed his paintbrush and teleported away
I didn't realized that I was blushing hard.. And I also saw a blush on his face

Damn...he's so fucking cute..
How can u be so cute!?
Welp...it took some days we didn't see each others until I went to him instead to apologize as he just proceeded it

-end of the looong flashback with him and Ink..-

How will I win his heart...
That's also impossible for him to be inlove with me because I've been his enemy since I became corrupted...
I hope I still have a chance
Or...maybe giving him some gift everday! Or...knowing what he likes...or worst...love

"𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀"(ErrorInkMare/Error x Ink x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now