Part 3

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        "That's just who I am. I can't change who I am!" I replied softly.

        "NO! Well then this should change you from alive to cold dead!" She said as she pulled out a gun from her purse. "I'm sick of everyone thinking that your the one to go to for help. When I can never go to you because you usually have like, seven to ten people around you everyday. And I sick of seeing it."

        "Look I'm sorry! I should have realized that there are more people in this school I could help instead of just my friends." I said beginning to shake, "Look. Even if you kill me. It won't solve anything for you. Everyone will think of you as a killer. Everyone will know that you killed me. You will be put under arrest by the police and go to Jail. How are you going to feel behind bars?"

        "Look-- I have control right now! Look around you! There is no one around that can help you now, and now you ask how do I feel? Well, I'll tell you! I feel like a piece of trash that gets beaten on day after day. I just can't take it anymore!" She said shaking more and more.

        "I'm sorry. Look, since your in control why don't you tell me everything that you've gone through?"

        "Really?" She said as she started to cry.

        "Yes, really. So you can keep that gun pointed at me and you can tell me everything okay?" I said pulling out my chair to sit down.

        "Okay!" She said while she also pulled out a chair.

        Catherine had told me that since the school year started it's been hard to make new friends. She told me that she has been feeling alone and saw me making friends no problem. She kept telling me that she wished she was me. But when she said that she wished she was me I told her right after, "No one should ever be me because I'm the hardest thing to be at times even for me and it's my life!"

        I didn't realize that the school went into lock-down mode. I wanted to take her to the Cafeteria to get a snack but we couldn't because lunch was over and we had to find our class. When I tried to leave the class room Catherine grabbed my arm and threw me across the room and closed the door. She just looked at me every now and again. She was pacing back a fourth in front of the door. She kept saying to herself, "Why did I do it? Why did I let my anger control me? Why can't I just get over this anger and frustration I have toward people? Why? Why? Why?"

        She quickly looked toward me and saw that I was bleeding and that she had broken my arm as well. All she did was say "does it hurt?" of course at that moment I couldn't feel anything. All I felt was my heavy breathing and my head spinning because I was so dizzy for some reason. It wasn't until she went to get the first aid kit that was right next to the door. At this point all I saw was red and all I could think of is how could I help Catherine get out of where she is right now? I didn't know how at the time but when she came over to me with the first aid kit.

        "This will  only hurt a little. Let me know if it hurts too much okay?" I just noded my head. She took my arm and split it so that why it wouldn't move more out of place. I didn't ever realize that she had put my bone back into my body so she could split it properly. She got up and went to put the first aid back. She had put the gun on the table next to the door.

        "Why did you do that for me?" I asked her.

        "Because you would have done the same for me except you wouldn't have thrown me across the room or pointed a gun at me for the last hour or so..." She replied without hesitaion. She looked at me while she picked up the gun again.

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