Howl (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: More of Pick/Rome werewolf AU. 🤭

The morning comes way too early for Pick's liking. The sun was already up, peeking through the curtains. He tried to shift from the annoying light when he realized the small omega was still plastered to his side, sleeping. His inner alpha grunted in happiness seeing the cute face beside him. Catching a glimpse of the clock on the bedside table, Pick growled in annoyance. He had to open a clinic today. It was closed for a week, and it wasn't good for the business and the animals. He moved carefully, trying not to wake up Rome. He was lucky enough to get out of the bed, refresh himself and make something edible for their breakfast before he heard the quiet groaning from the bedroom. 

"Awake?" Pick asked the tiny omega, watching him stretching on the mattress. Rome nodded. 

"Hungry?" Pick spoke, receiving a nod. 

"P'Pick? Can I go out of bed?" Rome asked, looking up from under the covers at him. Pick was thinking for a while before deciding it wouldn't harm the petite boy. 

"You need to be careful, though. The stitches can rip again." Alpha warn the younger. Rome's face lit up with the brightest smile. It was a second time Pick knew he was fucked up. He was staring at Rome, who was clumsily trying to stand up with the large goofy grin before he hurried to help him. 

Guiding him to the kitchen and sitting him at the table was no hard work for Pick, even though his alpha was howling in delight every time Rome leaned more into him. They ate in silence, with Pick glancing at the smaller one here and there. Rome was observing his surrounding with utter excitement. 

"P'Pick, do you live alone?" Rome asked out of nowhere, startling him. 


"No pack?" 

"I do have a pack, but I choose to live alone." Pick explained.

"What about you?" He gathered the courage to ask. Rome stayed quiet, biting down his bottom lip nervously. And was it sadness Pick could see in his eyes? 

"Not anymore," Rome whispered, looking away with teary eyes. 

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