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Chapter 2151: Sudden Calamity Out of Nowhere (3)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Jun Wu Xie's hand was held in a tight grip by Tian Ze, the great amount of strength used causing the closed wounds to burst open once again. Hot blood seeped through the bandages and stained Jun Wu Xie's hand, the bright red blood stinging her eyes.

She had never thought that the parting back at the Cloudy Brook Academy could very well have been the final time they bade each other goodbye.

She just could not imagine that suave and unbending Master of hers was actually locked up in a dungeon that did not see the light of day, suffering such agonizing torment.

"Who are the people responsible?" Jun Wu Xie's voice had turned light and soft, her breathing slowed, her slightly narrowed eyes holding in murder that would rock the Heavens.

"It's the Nine Temples." Tian Ze replied.

"Nine Temples....." Jun Wu Xie squeezed those two words out through her tightly clenched teeth.

They actually dared!

At that moment, Jun Wu Xie finally understood the reason why the Nine Temples had kept such a low profile and remained so quiet. They had not given on the struggle with the Twelve Palaces but had found themselves a new objective!

"Why do they want to capture Grandmaster?" Jun Wu Xie forcibly pushed down the hatred in her heart.

Tian Ze shook his head.

"I do not know. They had been highly respectful to Master before this and had never dared to show any disrespect towards Master. But this time, things had happened too suddenly and we were caught completely off guard. Do you still remember that all of you were released from the Cloudy Brook Academy prematurely? That was because the Cloudy Brook Academy was attacked before that, and Master felt that there was something strange about it. Hence, he immediately shut down the academy, and led me and Senior to run away from the place. Master had never mentioned what the enemy's objectives were, but had just vaguely told us that it concerned a certain magical treasure, and that those people had to get their hands of the treasure before they would be able to achieve their aims, seemingly something to do with some sort of array."

Array! !

Jun Wu Xie's mind flew into a whirl!

At almost the same instant, the words "Blood Sacrifice Array" rose up in her mind!

Could it be..... that the Nine Temples were involved in the Upper Realm's plans for the Blood Sacrifice?

And what could be the thing that they wanted to retrieve from the hands of the little old man?

Great clouds of doubts swirled around in Jun Wu Xie's head, the chaotic mess of clues and hints causing her to be unable to clear up her thoughts immediately, but to just feel that the reign of the Middle Realm was about to change!

"Jun Xie, there no more time..... Those people will execute Su Ya on Mount Fu Yao in another five days..... You must save her! !" Tian Ze begged as he looked at Jun Wu Xie in despair. He knew that it was very harsh of him to be making such a request of a junior, but there was no other way out for him! If he was unable to find his Master, Su Ya would undoubtedly die five days later!

Jun Wu Xie drew in a deep breath, and turned her hands over to hold Tian Ze's, her cold clear eyes glinting coldly with unwavering resolve.

"Uncle Master, rest assured. I will definitely save Master."

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