Sou was never good at English he studied a lot but his English was still a bit bad, so he decided to ask a friend for help. He realized all of them were studying so they didn't have time.
"Why..? I asked all my friends who did i not ask yet?" Asked Sou curiously while looking at his text messages on his phone.
"Oh Eve!" Sou yelled happily.
He quickly scrolled down and scrolled up looking for Eve. He started to text him and ask for help.
Sou: hey eve, can i ask u something?
Eve: yeah? what is it.
Sou: can you help me with my english
Eve: sure how should i help?
Sou: wanna come over? and help.
Eve: sure. i'll come now let me get changed.
Sou: ok.
"There now let me get changed properly as well." Said Sou while running upstairs.
Sou heard a knock so he walked downstairs and opened the door.
"Hey Sou." Waved Eve happily while coming in.
"Hey Eve!" Sou yelled while closing the door.
"Should we start with your English?" Eve asked.
"Yeah, i'm pretty sure thats why your here!"
"Sou. Can i stay the night over?" asked Eve.
"Sure," Sou said happily.
"I don't have 2 beds. And um i'm getting a new couch so i don't have one so where should you sleep?" Asked Sou worried.
"Should we just sleep in the same bed?" Suggested Eve.
"EHH!?" Blushed Sou.
"A-are you s-sure?" Stuttered Sou nervously.
"Yes, well if you want of course." Smiled Eve calmly.
"A-alright." answered Sou finally.
After they finished practicing English well Sou did more because he needed to get better at it. They went to bed. Sou couldn't really sleep well though, and Eve saw that.
"Can't sleep can you?" Asked Eve.
"N-n-no." stuttered Sou while blushing.
"Do you want me to hug you?" Asked Eve while smirking a little bit.
"I-if that's f-fine with y-you." Stuttered Sou.
"Alright." said Eve while wrapping his arms around sou.
Okay thats done its pretty late right now.