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It is from AVNI's POV

I am gonna propose Neil today.. I am so happy..

Neil, my love, my life but before that my best friend.. My partner in crime and in escape too..

I wonder how will he react.. Will he accept it or not.. I don't know what will happen.. But I don't want to ruin my friendship..

I have an idea.. I will propose him.. If he accepts that's good.. If he doesn't, I will tell her that Riya gave me a dare.. Great.. Avni, you are so smart..

I was thinking when Neil called me...

He asked where I am to which I replied that I am in my room.. He asked me to come downstairs as we are going to park today... It was my plan...hehehe..

We went to the park.. Neil was enjoying the scenery outside.. I gathered the courage.. Sat on my knee with a ring in my hand and took his name.. NEIL..

He turned to look at me.. He was knowing what was coming.. But he was not ready for that..

I spoke "Neil... I love you.. I love you so so so much.. "

Neil was shocked.. He didn't know how to react..

He stammered "Avni.. I never thought something like that for you..!!"

I know what is coming.. So as per my plan.. I giggled and suddenly said... " Neil.. You got serious..!! I was just kidding.. Even i also never thought like that for you.. It's just a dare of stupid Riya...!! And you know I won't let my dare incomplete.. "

I Spoke those words with a great courage.. He seem to believe me.. I controlled myself a lot throughout the day.. Just the thought that I can still talk to him and meet him keeps me going otherwise I would have been broken up badly..

I came back home at night.. And that's the time when I couldn't resist my tears.. They were flowing badly... All I can do was cursing my destiny.. Why it has to play a stupid game with me...

But I had to compose myself.. I can't let anyone know about my feelings except Riya.. Coz she already knows..she is my soul sister.. She knew everything about me... She is the one who asked me to propose Neil.. But I have to ask her for a promise.. Promise of bit telling Neil anything..

Next day.. I went to her place and told her all the happenings.. And even asked her for the promise..

But in exchange.. I had to promise her not to cry from now.. Which is indeed most difficult task now.. But no one can win against her...

Days passed by.. My friendship with Neil was on normal track as per him... Coz now.. As per me, it's LOVE..!  One sided love..!!

Few days passed And I haven't seen him.. I asked his friends to which they replied that he had some mission to accomplish.. Arghh.. Again a mission.. That's why I don't want him to join police force.. What happen..!! Don't you know he is ACP.. ACP NEIL KHANNA..

I went to market where I saw one of our closet friends ,DD coming out of hospital.. I went to him  to ask the reason to which he denied saying anything... But I am adamant.. Thanking God for the first time for my stubbornness.. He finally told me everything..

I was shocked to the core.. Why wouldn't I not be..? My love,  my life.. He is suffering from heart disease.. He needs a heart transplant.. I asked the doctor for all the requirements... Doctor asked me to arrange heart till next week..

6 days later..

One week.. Most crucial one.. I searched a lot... But a human heart is the most difficult thing to find.. No one is ready to give the heart.. I was crying badly.. I took my diary and wrote something..

MY HEART BEATS IN YOU..! ❤❤Where stories live. Discover now