Chapter 14

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Lisa lay awake in her bed, her eyes fixed on the ceiling, her mind elsewhere. Ella's words kept on ringing in her head, bouncing off the walls of her mind, keeping her from any decent sleep. She felt stupid, frustrated and cheated. 

Not that she had expected Jennie to tell her about her life for the last four years but she would appreciate the information, or even a little heads up. 

She turned on her side and stared outside the window, thankful that she had decided to open the curtains before she got into bed. Lisa stared at the now lightening skies and sighed. 

Another sleepless night.


"Good morning." 

Jennie placed her mug back on the table and greeted the disheveled girl. She frowned as she saw the girl bumping into the small kitchen counter when she was reaching for coffee. 

"Are you okay?" 


She furrowed her eyebrows at the incoherent girl. 

"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine, I think. Just... didn't get enough sleep." 

Jennie noticed how Lisa evaded her gaze and it puzzled her. She tried thinking back to seeif she had done something to anger the other girl. 

She came up with nothing. 

"Oh," she hid her disappointment, "Okay." 

Jennie tried to busy herself with her breakfast but she found herself unable to concentrate. Not when Lisa was seated in front of her with her coffee, looking all sexy in her bed hair. 

Not when she can see the latter's wedding ring shining oh so brightly like it was mocking her. 

The talk with Seulgi didn't do anything much to clear her confusion. She hated it when people put her around in circles, but she can't really blame her. She had hurt her best friend and she would have probably done the same thing if it were her.

So the only thing to do, for her, was to ask Lisa directly. 

"Hey, Jennie..." 

She snapped from her daze and looked at the girl sitting quietly in front of her. 


"Uh, d-do you have anything to do l-later?" Lisa stuttered. 

"No, I don't think so. Why? Are you sure you're okay? Why are you stuttering?" She tried to reach for the other girl's forehead to check for her temperature but the latter looked away even before she can reach it. Jennie realized what she almost did and retracted her hand immediately. But it didn't hide the fact that she was hurt. 

"I... I'm sorry," Jennie whispered as she looked back at her plate like it was the most interesting thing in the world. 

"I-It's fine, I was just surprised. Uhm, anyway, can we meet later? I have another photo shoot with Jisoo for the rest of the day but I'll be free in the afternoon or probably in the evening." 

"Okay," she nodded weakly, still embarrassed at what she had almost done, "Ella and I will just wait for you at the—" 


Jennie was startled at the sudden outburst that she almost dropped her utensils. She looked at Lisa with an unreadable expression and she felt the other girl fidget in her seat. 

"I-I... I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to shout. I-I'm really sorry..." 

"Lisa, you're scaring me." 

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