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no one pov

"hi~" jimin shyly singed as he saw the cute blonde sitting on her lunch seat as usual. after yesturday s incident no one had seen tae from the evening. the three boys quietly seated infront of the four girls.

"how are you jimin?" rosè asked shyly handing the prepared lunch to the male. "I'm fine. you?" he asked stealing glances at her. rosè giggled and noded. Jennie scoffed at the two and rudely pushed yoongi's share of lunchbox.

yoongi pouted and grabed the box before it could fall off the table. "oh dint your other friend come?" Lisa asked curiously. jungkook allready eating before rosè. "ah- taehyung..he...is not well" jimin said glancing at the four girls nervously.

on the other hand jisoo kept tae s share of lunchbox back in her bag as she heard the ravenntte won't come. jisoo wanted to apologise to him even if it wasnt her mistake. but now she could nt.

she still remembered how mad taehyungs face looked yesturday. it looked threatening and even the meire thought of it gave shivers to the cute girl.

"what happend unnie ? are you okay.." Jennie quickly asked feeling worried as she never saw the older this gloomy. "I'm fine" jisoo quietly replied. hanging her head low and trying focus on eating her food. tho she found her self zoning out.

"hi fine, I'm daddy" Jennie teased breaking into soft giggles. jisoo seemed to smile at jennie's lame joke. the other wasn't good at making jokes but she knew how make jisoo smile "that was random" yoongi said chewing on his food.

"shut up boongi no one asked your opinion" Jennie gushed at him with a look of irritation. everyone giggled at the two. "you are so mean and you keep calling me whatever you like" yoongi muttered.

"I'm here"

hearing the deep voice every one looked up from their lunch and gasped in shock. "t-taehyung is that you?" jungkook asked with his doe eyes widening dramatically.

"what the hell is this fashion ?"

yoongi asked staring at taehyungs outfit. taehyung was wearing a pink shirt with strawberry print all over it. it made yoongi cringe internally. and moreover taehyungs tattoos were'nt visible. his bangs falled loose over his forehead as they weren't restricted by a bandana anymore.

jimin stiffled his laughter covering his mouth with his tiny hands. tae rolled his eyes and sat infront of jisoo. his eyes scanning the girl who stared at him with her innocent bambi eyes.

but no one dared to say anything.

"this is confirmed that tae looks scarry no matter what he wears..sorry bro~" jimin giggled as taehyung s face was still cold and his gazes were sharp and piercing. everyone choked.

jisoo quickly fiddled with her backpack gulping and taking out the lunchbox she kept inside a while ago. "h-here" jisoo quietly said pushing the lunchbox towards the male infront of her. taehyung held the lunchbox , his slender fingers subtly brushing on the girls hand.

jisoo squeaked and pulled her hands back. it felt strange whenever taehyung accidently touched her hand. "what?" Jennie asked confusedly glancing at jisoo. the cute girl shook her head "n-nothing!" she stuttered out in fear.

to add spice into newly made dish jimin opened his mouth to speak again "ah- I forgot. jisoo do you like taehyungs outfit ?" jimin asked a glint of teasing visible.

jisoo startled at the sudden question that was asked to her. she looked at tae with big eyes who was allready staring at her with his sharp once.

"be honest!" jimin teased again. "pfft~ he looks like a strawberry" Jennie chuckled. "a rotten strawberry" yoongi commented. but those teasings dint seemed to effect tae at all. all he cared about was what jisoo thought about him.

"she deffinetly doesn't like it-" Jennie tried to say but was cut of by jisoo s tiny voice "I like it-" she quietly replied. taehyung felt his heart flutter at that, he was barely holding himself from hugging the adorable girl who glanced at him quickly looking away.

"b-but he would be what he is no matter what h-he wears" jisoo quietly said. everyone seemed to awe at her answer. jisoo looked arround in panic wondering if she said something wrong.

"oh that means you will be ugly no matter what you wear" Jennie giggled side hugging the tiny girl. jisoo shook her head in panic at that. "n-no that's not what I meant" jisoo stuttered.

Jennie frowned and rolled her eyes still completely leaning over the tiny girl.

taehyung cleared his throat totally ignoring everyone except jisoo, yeah.
he looked at the girl who had blurred rest of the visions in his sight. "thank you" tae said. his heart pounding inside his chest.

but one thing was clear to tae that jisoo was scared of him no matter what he wore.

but all taehyung wanted to do was pull the girl in a corner and smooch her cute face. she was too cute that tae could feel his heart flip to his throat. he can't help but stare at her all day but he also dint wanted her to freak out.

after a few minutes of hearing taehyung and jisoos small awkward conversation everyone were busy eating their lunch. but jisoo kept her apology still unsaid and it bothered her.

she wanted to apologise the male for yesturday but her mouth seemed to be sealed shut.

"are all of you free this weekend?" rosè asked out of the blue. "I'm freee" jimin quickly said raising his hands. rosè giggled. "I'm expensive" yoongi said snorting at the two. "I'll be cuddling with jisoos in the bed sorry" Jennie replied proudly.

"I'm free tho , why chae ?" Lisa asked slightly chuckling at everyone's funny response. "oh I thought we all could hangout some where. we never meet each other except cafetarias" rosè said.

"yes maybe we can get to know each other better" jungkook said liking the idea still not making a eye contact with Lisa.

"yes so will everyone come to near by skating park this weekend" rosè asked with pleading puppy eyes. everyone seemed to pause hearing the word 'skating park'. taehyung and the other boys were expert in skating.

"yes I'm in too I guess" yoongi said. "same" taehyung said still eating the lunch prepared by jisoo. "ugh so annoying..I just wanted to cuddle with ssoo" Jennie groaned resting her face on her hand.

"but seems like now I have to come along too" Jennie said rolling her eyes at the sparkles that rosè gaze gave her from far. Lisa giggled. everyone looked at jisoo for a response aswell. the girl not liking everyone's eyes on her.

fiddling with her the hem of her uniform jisoo quietly noded her head. everyone cooed at the adorable girl. taehyung almost deing internally. this was too much for his heart.

"okay so every one reach the school gate at Sunday! we'll go to the skate park in my sister's mini bus" rosè giggled. "Alice has a mini bus?what the-" Jennie snorted and rosè noded.

"actually I'm stealing it"


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