2. Play date

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" hi honey I'm so sorry I'm late I had to spend extra hours at work" " it's ok mom I know it's stressful, oh and I want you to meet my friend Wooin" Jiwoo pointed at the boy next to him.
She looked over to see a boy with round glasses and black hair " oh hello there young man it's nice to meet you I'm Jiwoo's mother" Wooin waved at her to greet her. A lady with dark brown hair stood up and said " hello I'm So Wooin's mother, it's nice to know my son has a friend, I was wondering if they could have a play date on Saturday" Jiwoo's mom answered " that would be lovely I too am happy my son has a good friend." When they got back home they both went straight to bed.

"Jiwoo it's time to wake up you friend will be here at 9 you have an hour to get done!" Jiwoo jumped out oh bed to get done and eat breakfast, he heard the door bell ring he shot up from his chair to open the door, he saw Wooin and his mom standing there. Jiwoo had the biggest smile ever, he grabbed Wooins had and took him to his room where they played games for hours while their mother talked whilst having a cup of tea, it was already 4 pm so Wooin had to go home but Jiwoo didn't like that so he cried. Their moms made a promise they would have a sleepover next time but there wasn't going to be a next time.....

Sorry this one is really short :)

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