Chapter 11

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"So call you Lee?" Corbin asked sitting down

"Lee!" Lux said. I guess any time someone says Lee she gets excited

"Haha yes!" I said laying down by Lux

"So what do you like to do?" He asked me. I rolled on my back

"Well I like to cheer but haven't competed since I have moved in with Liam." His eyebrows raise.

"Never heard our story?" I asked

"Story?" Guess not. So I went on a told him me and Liam's story

"So now you are one directions sister?" He asked now we were both on the ground looking at the fan while Lux laid on my stomach

"Pretty much!" I said

"How's that going?" He laughed

"Um alright I guess, we just got over the whole I'm not 5 phase so better now!" I said sounding a bit annoyed

"How old are you?" He asked

"15 in 3 months" I sighed almost 15 I can do it

"Sweet! I turned 15 last week!" He said aw he has a cute voice

"Well Happy Late Birthday!" I yelled grabbing Lux then holding her to my chest. He laughed

"Thanks! Your good with her" he said nodding to Lux

"Yea I've known Aunt Lou since they became a band, when she had Lux I became like her sister" I said smiling at the sleeping baby

"Cute" he said smiling, I smiled back and we sat in silence not an awkward silence a pleasant one till Lou bust in

"Gracie Boo!!!!!!!!!" He sang

"Shut up stupid! Lux is sleeping!!" I whispered yelled

"Oh sorry!" He whispered

"I'll take my favorite little girl" Harry said grabbing her from my arms. I stretched my arms then stood up

"Ok well Lee... Want to go back to the hotel it's getting late." Liam said. Louis hit him in the arm then he realized

"Oh sorry, I mean do you want to go back to the hotel and watch a movie or something?" Liam said rephrasing

"Yea sure let me get my stuff then I'll meet you outside" the boys left and me and Corbin were the only ones in the room

"Can I have your number so I don't go completely insane stuck with 5 boys?" I asked. He laughed and said

"Yea sure let me see you phone" I handed him my phone he typed it in then we left. I'm excited! Corbin is VERY handsome

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