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So very much majestic, splendid, beautiful and bright,

Something precious it is to behold, O what a sight!

The magnanimous beauty of it fills my insides with pride,

The radiant golden truth of it is like a prayer for nothing to hide,

Yes it's that elusive "blue rose" wishing for you to claim it as a right.

Unnatural yet existing, unattainable yet against all odds it survived,

Impossible visual and possession yet wonderfully alive to thrive,

A reminder of the complex realities and my dreams for you to be mine,

Feeling blue too, the same twig awaits, only to allow your free Dove's flight,

Yes, it's that same "blue rose" that watched you soar high and prays for you to win all your fights.


WHISPERS OF GOODBYE: Love PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now