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[ your POV ]

After I finished my coffee the group of people from upstairs including the one I hit..

Uh oh someone's in trouble~

Go suck a dick zero.

I did that last night.



.   .   .

Okay that happened they sit down and start talking
And I decide I gonna play this chill

Y/n: soo can you guys explain how you got here?

??: Well it's kinda hard to explain

[ After they explain ]

You:so your telling me that you guys got teleported here by a portal?

??: Yep pretty much.

???: Sorry if it's a bad time but can we stay at your house until we know how to get back to our world?

You: sure but we have to go over some ground rules first.

1. Do not go into the red door upstairs.
2. Don't go into my room unless Im in it.
3. Don't kill each other.
4. Don't go to basement.
If you need anything let me know.

Britain: well I guess we should introduce ourselves I'm Britain and the one that is beside me is America

America: what's up.

After they introduce themselves.

You: well it's nice to know you all, I'm y/n.

Canada: miss y/n can you show us were we will be sleeping?

Shit I didn't think about that

I'll help with that.


Ill show you but how many are there?

12 why?

Let just say there are now twelve rooms in your house.

Thanks zero.

Your welcome sib.

"Miss? Miss!"

You: sorry I zoned out a bit there anyways yes I will show you your rooms.

Time skip

You: okay I think that's it if you need something let me know.

You check the time


all: what?

And just like that your out the door.


256 words.

305 words edited

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