sometimes i have no idea what i'm doing; slight, erasermight

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playlist: sometimes i have no idea what i'm doing

It's a joke that in order to be a good hero you have to be good at not thinking about yourself, AKA: have a strong self-sacrificial complex. Unluckily for Aizawa... He's stuck with an idiot who embodies that very concept.

A/N: a VERY late whumptober prompt

Whumptober prompt: Blood-matted hair

WARNING: Blood and injury.


The Number One Hero having an enormous self-sacrificial complex is a no-brainer, you'd have to have a lack of common sense to not realize that; it seems these police officers who decided to have the RETIRED Number One Hero help them out with a case had none.

Which is how he ended up far more awake than he had been in a long time, along with begrudgingly helping patch up his coworker since his friend who worked with the law was out sick with a bug that had been spreading around their precinct. Just how he wanted to spend his night, perfect.

Yet here he is pushing back the bang framing the left side of the former Number One Hero's face as he does his best to dab away at the blood the wound without properly aggravating it. There was a large cut on the left side of his temple, multiple lacerations surrounding it, most going into his scalp, the blood that started to weave its way into the older man's blonde locks, the ones at the utmost beginning of the scalp having dried and wouldn't get out unless he scrubbed it away vigorously which risked tearing the wounds and making them bigger. He'd have to be checked out by a medic when then eventually arrive at the scene, he texted them a heads up once he finally found the man.

With a huff, he leaned forward as Yagi once more squirmed under his grip as he caught the wound when trying to clean his temple which lead him to brush even more against the said wound. How annoying.

"You know, it'll only end up hurting more if you squirm." Yagi only responded with an unusually gruff chuckle, obviously stifling a cough. Aizawa kept on frowning but continued cleaning the wound to his best ability even if their faces were a little too close for comfort.

 "So this is the story: you were supposed to be helping the police, y'know give them advice on how to diffuse a situation but then when you heard gunfire you decided that the best idea was to run towards it and try and defuse it yourself."

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad,"

"It is bad," Aizawa snaps back, then sighs, pausing in his movements. "you aren't the Number One hero anymore, you can't do things like this anymore unless you have a death wish." He just shook his head and continued in his moments. "Which apparently you do,"

"I can just go back to the hospital or have the medic patch me up," Yagi lowly chuckles with an uneasy smile. 

"It's not like you'd be unfamiliar with them," Shota mumbles underneath his breath and moves to go pick at the spare bandages he had luckily had on him thanks to forgetting to put them away after getting back from patrol one day. 

It continues like this, small banter from one to another, although from a strangers point of view it seemed like he was scolding him, and yes, he was since the older man was notoriously careless when it came to caring about himself, and he needed to be careful especially with the state he was in. It annoyed Aizawa really, that the former Number One hero couldn't take care of himself, but that's ironic coming from him, the bags under his eye were so deep you could carry groceries in them, and the packets he ate as food spoke volumes, but that wasn't the point. How this man survived so long in this world, especially considering he wore his heart on his sleeve was beyond him.

At least he was okay, Aizawa could accept that, if it got too bad then he'd have to intervene, he wouldn't let him set such a bad example for the kids.

Then in a minute or two, they were done- he was done- and he was standing up, hearing his bones pop as he did, he reached out his hand towards the other man who took it with a nervous smile, a new bandage wrapped around the temple of his head and off they were to go find the others.

As much as Aizawa hated to admit it, he hated to see the man hurt, he reasoned it to not liking seeing anyone hurt and pushed off to the corner of his thoughts, hoping to never think about it again. 

A/N: If you liked this give me a vote, or yell at me in the comments instead!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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