3: anger

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Tw: some bad words and some bad effensive words

Anger is a thing that gets you out of control and when I'm angry or others I'm honest I tell the truth I tell what I'm feeling but sometimes you want to hide it you want to keep it a secret. so know one finds out and that pisses me off every time I do it why cause every time I lash out I end up getting hurt or in trouble , that's why and when I don't I feel even worse cause that one person you got mad at is still making you mad. Know the reason I'm talking about this is cause I keep feeling that EVERY FUCKING DAY THAT I HAVE THAT ONE CLASS ( sorry for the language) that clas is like a prison one that you'll never leave no matter how hard you try it's always a prison I hate it I don't like being locked up and not being able to leave it's stupid it's scary.
I used to be I good grade student id get good enough grades to pass yea I'd have some difficulty but I still made it but know I'm failing getting bad grades cause of that one theacher they don't give a good explanation on what to do

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