Cat #1 Kenma/Hinata

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"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." - Soren Kierkegaard

Too hot. Too warm. Too far. Too sunny.

Kenma was too tired but there in the distance -

Someone putting out chairs and a table outside. With bright, orange hair.


Found you.

Just like we knew we would.

11am. Did people drink cocktails this early in Okinawa? There was no one around. The sea sparkled and the sand beneath Kenma's feet was white. A sign above the hut read, 'Sunny's'.


Kenma adjusted the cool, silver 4.5mm at the crack of his back. Sure, he was physically the weakest one out of all of The Cats but he was the fastest shooter and his family knew that.

How would Hinata react?

Well the whole of Honshu was waiting for him to find out. Kenma swiped the sweat off of his forehead, conquered the sand and entered the hut.

A glass smashed.

At the back of the beach hut, behind the bar, surrounded by bottles of alcohol, shells on shelves and garlands of flower necklaces, stood a quaking Hinata Shoyo in a deep sea blue Hawaiian shirt, horrified.

But -

Click -

Click -

It was gone. The confident, undeniable, fearless, reckless Hinata Shoyo was back, aiming a gun for Kenma's head.

And Kenma, who had also pulled out his gun, aimed right back at him.

'Hello Shoyo.' Kenma said.

Shit. Wait. The crow's features were too harsh, his face was turning red - it was like lava boiling to the surface -

'What. The fuck. Are you doing here?' Hinata seethed with so much venom Kenma could taste it.


Hinata was holding the gun way too tight, his expression contorted with rage. It wasn't how this was supposed to go -

There was supposed to be the element of surprise. In a good way. Not to mention... history. The last time Kenma had seen Hinata he had had the redhead's tongue in his mouth. All those times, in stolen moments, when he and Hinata collided on thresholds in Tokyo... But Kenma's ego barely had time to be bruised -

'Turn around,' Hinata commanded. 'And leave. If not, I will kill you for everything that happened that day.'

Ah. OK. So now we were talking.

'Did you think you could take our businesses,' Kenma leveled, 'at Koto, at Kawasaki, and that we wouldn't try and claim them back?'


Emotional. Hinata was scarlet, shouting, shaking with fury as if that night wasn't three months ago but yesterday.

Was there no air con in here? It was far, far too hot.

'Then what are you talking about?' Kenma replied calmly. 'No crows were harmed -'

'This isn't about The Crows -'


A sowing needle pricked a line of ellipses across Kenma's heart. Was this feeling... disappointment? It wasn't heartbreak, that's for sure. Kenma's depth of feelings towards Shoyo equalled that of frequently encountering a neighbour's beautiful cat: it was always welcome, always a pleasure, not thought of when you were busy but when the cat was in front of you, there was always the temptation to steal it and take it home...

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