The Beginning

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Your name is Y/N, you live a normal life where you like anime, specifically MHA. This Y/N is gender fluid Your Quirk once you are in the MHA world is called Time Stall, you can freeze time into a crystal like form and when you go beyond your limits you can make extreme structures (but they are more jagged). Later on you will gain the skill of being able to freeze the entirety of time itself.

You were sitting in your room, just staring at the ceiling and dissociating as you do when all of a sudden there were sparks. You squint and sit up "what the fuck-" suddenly theres a small black dot. You assume its a bug and sigh before going to grab a tissue. When you come back you stand on your bed and try to squish said "bug" but when you do your hand gets swallowed. You panic and try to pull your hand out but the more you pull the more you seem to be dragged in. You try to scream but your head was swallowed and you ended up in a familiar corner of a room, screaming still, but you phone and wallet were next to you.

You looked around to find all of class 1A staring at you (still fucking screaming) and some holding their ears."WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!"
"Bakugou calm down" Aizawa calmly walked over and you scuttled back into the corner and shut up quickly. "What class are you if you're even from this school" you were still dressed in your pj's and looked a fucking mess.

"Wtf is this? Is this a trick? A simulation?!" Your voice pitched into panic as you looked around and small crystals formed around you

"Calm down we just need to know who-" Aizawa was cut off

"-Get away!" You yell and the spikes grow quickly to break into the ceiling. Aizawa stumbles back and tries to shut off the quirk but you are distorted through the crystal so he cant use his quirk

"Damnit! Class get back!" Aizawa yells

"No fuckin way! I'm not passing up a fight!" You hear who you're pretty sure is Bakugou through the crystal expanse you've made. He explodes a hole through one of them to reveal your terrified face in the corner. You suddenly get an idea as his classmates try to pull him back

"BAKUGOU KATSUKI" you yell, sounding like your mother. He freezes along with the rest of the class at the demanding tone.

"The FUCK you just say to me you little shit?" He charges at you again but Aizawa captures him in his scarf and stops both of your quirks.

"Enough, both of you. This is highly irritable and is giving me a headache" he finally closes his eyes and rubs his temples before letting go of bakugou

"Whats your name hun?" Momo hesitantly asks from around the corner

"F-F/N, F/N L/N" you stutter out before taking a breath and wiping tears from your face. You feel the floor under you, your sweater, your bike shorts, ok, ok you're good

"Ok" Azaiwa sighs before stepping into your crystal cage "how did you get here?"

"I- I dont know, I was at home and I went to squish a bug but it was a portal, and now I'm here" You rambled "is this some sort of parallel universe thing? What year is it? Am i dead?" You continued to mumble questions to yourself

"God shes just like shitty deku" Bakugou groaned, although it was muffled under the scarf

'You're lucky those are my pronouns today' you huff in your head before stopping your mumbling. Eventually Aizawa lets go of bakugou who stumbles forward before scowling at you

"Alright, class is dismissed so that the other teachers and i can deal with..." he gestures around "this" some cheer while others grumble about missing orientation. You just sit and wait, and cry softly in embarrassment for some reason. Maybe it was Aizawa or Bakugou or just the whole ordeal. This was just not how you wanted to meet your favorite characters. You where asked a few questions when finally,

"Alright hunny, where are you from?" Midnight asks. Fuck. What are you supposed to say?!

"I- I erm I dont have... a home" you figured that was best for now. Mostly sighs were heard as this just got a lot more difficult

"Alright, we'll find a hotel for you to stay at or something i dont know, just so long you arent running about the streets with no control over your quirk" Aizawa held the bridge of his nose "we'll send police to guard-" thats where you cut him off

"I'd actually feel more comfortable with a pro" you said shyly, hoping to not bother or be a burden. Aizawa huffed.

"Ok then. We'll send in Cementoss to be in the hotel with you for tonight, and we'll have some pros switch out for your stay there" you smiled softly up at the group of pros

"Thank you, i'm sorry for being so bothersome" it was Aizawas turn to cut in

"you arent being bothersome this is our job." He huffed and crossed his arms as he observed the damage with the rest of them. You were left with your smile as people and pros alike bustled around you and soon the sun was starting to set.

"Alright kiddo" Cementoss kneeled down to where you sat and smiled gently "lets go to your temporary new home" you nodded and took his hand to help you stand. Once you were at the secure hotel you were met with a small gift, a uniform, more specifically a UA uniform. You beamed and went to try it on immediately before Cementoss could say anything. You walked out in your skirt and messy tie. You looked up at Cementoss and grinned proudly. He found himself chuckling as you looked in all the mirrors you could find and mumbling about how excited you were.

"So I'm guessing you figured out that we've enrolled you to monitor your activity and quirk" he finally interrupted your prancing. You nodded and chuckled for the first time for a while.

"Yes, thank you so much, you have no clue how long I've wanted to be a student at UA" you looked in the mirror again and fixed your jacket with an excited giggle. Cementoss smiled

"Well i think you should get clean and ready for bed" he pointed out. You quickly nodded and ran to the bathroom to take a shower and get changed into your clothes you were in today. Once you walked out Cementoss was on one of the beds reading a book. He looked over and frowned

"Do you think you have enough money to buy yourself at least one more outfit?" He asked gently "just for everyday wear" you look in your wallet and find ¥2000 that previously wasnt there

"Erm i have ¥2000" you had no clue wether or not that was a a lot but he nodded

"you understand how money works right? I assume you dont have much education-"

"O-oh i do i just dont understand how, erm, Japanese money works" you explained quickly. Cementoss sighed

"This is a conversation for tomorrow, you should sleep" You nod and lay down in your bed as he laid in his, the bed struggling under his concrete weight

"Goodnight" you say before dozing off.

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