Chapter 1

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Amanda's POV** (They're currently 14, continue reading)

I walk through the halls of my school and I see this boy coming towards me, he's strangely cute. he has this bad boy reputation and every girl likes him even though he moved here last week. I haven't really talked to him but we had one conversation about this thing about chemistry. but that was two days ago. anyways, i flashed a smile. cuz why not? he smiled back. very surprising. He came closer and he accidentally bumped into me causing me to drop my shit. "HOLY SHIT!!" I shouted.

"sorry Amanda" he smirked.

"It's fine Sammy" I blushed,? Dats bad asf. I played with my thumbs because it's awkward

"Amanda, Do you wanna hang out sometime" He blurted out quickly. Nervous much? I giggled and spoke "Sounds great"

*Hours later*

"huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh SAMMMMM" i sang while i skipped to my room. i was utterly excited about that "hangout" with SAM. I heard the doorbell ring and i ran to the door. just like those times where my mom comes home with GROCERIES!! "SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM" i stopped when i got to the door.

"hello?" I casually said when i opened it.

"Hey Amanda, Is it alright if my friends come?" he pointed to the four others at the back of him which was Johnson, Gilinsky and Skate (Nate). BROOOOOOO.

"Okay" I showed no emotion.

We walked to subway and sat on a booth. we ordered food. It was awkward...

"So.. What's your name?" Jack Johnson broke the silence.

"JJ. We went to school together in Kindergarten" I doubt he remembers me..

"Way to go Jack, she probably feels invisible" Jack G nudged him

"I didn't feel invisible until now" I felt tears forming in my eyes. "I gotta go now" I sat up and ran out the door. Great! it's raining! UGH!

i heard footsteps coming behing me and I knew it was Sammy.

He grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him "Amanda, what happened in there?"

"They kind of reminded me of how much of a loser i am" i wiped a tear from my cheek

"You're overreacting. You're a beautiful girl and you're not a loser" he moved a lock of hair behind my hair and leaned closer. HIs lips finally touched mine. and i swear it was the perfect moment..

It was short. lmaooo. but the next chapter will be longer :))

Pregnant with Sammy's babyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora