Teacher - Manjiro Sano

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Dedicated to my bestie Ky <3

"But I've never driven one before." You stood dumbfounded, already feeling the embarrassment in your cheeks.

In front of you sat Mikey's infamous CB250T, the sun reflecting off of its polished metal.

"Yeah, and? That's why I'll be there to guide you." Mikey's devious smile made you cave in. It wasn't your fault that despite it's real intentions his smile shined so innocently.

And the idea of his hands holding your waist once you got the hang of it lingered in your mind too.

He sat on the end of the seat, gesturing for you to follow him over.

You sat down in front of him, placing your hand on the throttle, your other hand gently sitting on the brake.

"Ok, I'm gonna help you start the engine. Don't freak out." Mikey placed his hands on top of yours after pressing the start button by the throttle.

The engine revved loudly beneath you, the vibration shaking you a little.

"Woah." The sudden sensation startled you, causing to grip the throttle a little harder.

Mikey rubbed the back of your hand, "Relax. It's just a motorcycle."

Your heart skipped a beat at his sudden movements, your eyes watching as his soft thumb caressed your (s/c) skin.

"Just a motorcycle? You know how frequently people crash on these things?" You looked back at him nervously, leaning forward so your faces weren't as close.

Mikey said nothing but only chuckled at your expression.

After a moment, Mikey hardened his grip on your hands, adjusting his position behind you to guarantee his own safety.

"Ok, pull back on the throttle, slowly."

You focused your attention on the road ahead of you, trying to swallow your trembling nerves as you began to move forward.

The CB250T was cruising at a slow pace, the bike wobbling a little from Mikey's weight making the bike a little uneven.

"Maybe you should go faster before we crash." Mikey advised.

He wasn't the best teacher, but he took any opportunity he could get to spend time with you... even if it meant risking a broken bone or two.

"But, um." You paused.

Why were you so nervous?

Was it the fear of embarrassing yourself in front of the Invincible Mikey?

Mikey moved his one hand which rested on your right one by the brake, resting it on your shoulder instead.

"Just do it. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Mikey reassured you.

He was so close you could feel his breath fan against your ear.

It made you feel a little warm, sending a tingle down your spine.

You chuckled to shake off your anxiety, leaning your head forward to avoid getting all worked up.

"C'mon, speed up." Mikey said excited.

Sighing while preparing yourself, you pulled harder on the throttle, your body jolting backwards while it booted off unexpectedly.

Mikey's hard chest kept you from flying off, a grunt escaping his lips from the impact.

"Sorry!" You apologized over the loud wind and engine.

Mikey laughed next to your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"It's fine, don't worry!"

You blushed at the warmth he radiated, hoping he'd just wrap his arms around you already.

Now cruising at a normal speed, you laughed in excitement as you got the hang of it.

"Mikey, look! I'm doing it!" You said while laughing. You couldn't help but feel so giddy.

Besides your nerves were still a wreck, mostly from Mikey's contact with you.

He finally released his hands from yours, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist.

"Good job! You're a natural!"

"Thanks, Mikey."

Turning down a street, the sharp turned caused you to almost fall, but Mikey's strong grip kept you up.

"Careful now. Don't get too carried away." His lips grazed your ear as he was close to you again.

You could feel his groin pressed against your butt and you almost lost control right then and there.

"Mikey, um... watch your um..." You couldn't say it, it was too embarrassing.

Mikey caught on though, but instead smirked against your ear.

"Does this make you nervous?" His arms around your waist were replaced with his slim fingers, which danced up and down your side, reaching near your inner thigh.

"Mikey, I'm gonna crash if you don't stop." Your face was getting hot.

"My apologies." He snickered.

You knew he wasn't sorry, which made you wanna smack him upon the head like you normally did when scolding him for his bold behavior.

Nearing your destination, you began to slowly put pressure on the brake, the bike slowly coming to a halt.

Mikey smiled behind you, feeling butterflies from his own boldness.

You made him feel so happy.

Parking the bike, Mikey put down the kickstand for you in his signature sandals.

Getting off, you kind of felt light on your feet as you were getting used to the feeling of the vibration under you.

Mikey hopped off right after, wrapping you in a tight hug.

You both giggled in each other's arms.

"You did it! We didn't die!" Mikey joked, releasing you from his tight grip.

You both immediately went mute as you realized how close you both were.

You could feel his breath on your lips, and you blushed once again, feeling yourself closing in.

His dark eyes stared into yours as he held his breath, parting his soft lips.

Finally your lips connected.

It felt like magic as his lips enclosed yours.

His hands settled on your waist as he pulled you in deeper before letting go, backing away as he smiled sweetly.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this." Mikey giggled out of sudden shyness, a blush subtle on his cheeks.

"Are you... blushing?" You teased.

"Shut up." He laughed, grabbing your hand as you walked with him, seeing the other members of Toman waiting for your arrival.


Sorry it's short yall, I haven't written anything in a long time.

I take requests so comment what you want to see!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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