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For months blades is 8 months pregnant and his belly got big and round. Heatwave get worry about blades if he going into labor.

Blades: Heaty I'm fine

Heatwave: Are you sure? *Worry*

Blades: Yes heat- *Gasp and his water break*

Heatwave: Bladzy! *Worry*

Blades: time *Groans*

Heatwave: *Optis widen and panic* Now!

Blades: Yes! *Groans*

Heatwave: *Grab the bags for the hospital to stay and carry him, take him to the car*

Time skip, Heatwave took blades to the Hospital and in the medical labor room.

Blades: *Panting fast and groans*

Doctor: Okay get ready to push Mrs. Blades

Heatwave: *Hold his hand and stay close to him*

Doctor: Okay...push

Blades: *Start to push and whimper loud, squishing his hand*

Heatwave: *Groans and holding his hand*

Doctor: Keep pushing

Blades: Agh! *Keep pushing and squishing his hand tight*

Heatwave: *Groans* O-ow!

They heard a baby cry and the doctor hold heatwave and blades baby.

Doctor: Congratulations it's a boy

Blades: *Let go of Heatwave hand and pants heavily* C-can I hold my son?

Doctor: Of course *Give him his baby boy*

Blades: *Hold him and calm him down,, smile warmly as he tear up* Hi there sweetheart, I'm your mommy and this is your daddy

Heatwave: *Tear up and smile happily*

The baby boy stop crying and look at his parents.

Blades: What should we name him honey? *Look at him*

Heatwave: about blaze?

Blades: Blaze, I like that name *Smiled*

Blaze look at them and coos. Blades was very happy to see his baby and also heatwave was happy too.

Later, Blades and Heatwave is free to go and take Blaze to let their friends to see him and Heatwave's parents.

Blaze: *Asleep in blades arms*

Blades and Heatwave smile and came in to their house.

Heatwave: We're back

Heatwave's parents and their friends see Blaze in blades arms and everyone was aww.

Bee: He's so cute *Smile*

Heatwave's mom: Aww he's adorable *Smile warmly*

Everyone was happy and some of them is holding Blaze one of the time.

Blades: Everyone seem to like Blaze *Giggle*

Heatwave: *Chuckle* Yeah

Grim: Hello Blaze, I'm grimlock *Smile and make a funny face*

Blaze: *Laugh and clap his hands*

Grim: *Keep making funny face*

Blaze: *Laugh more and giggles*

Blades: *Giggles*

Everyone spend time with Blaze and holding him and making him laugh. Later, everyone have to go home. Heatwave and Blades spend time with blaze.

Blades: *Doing the peekaboo*

Blaze: *Laugh*

Blades: Where's the baby?...there you are! *Doing the peekaboo still*

Blaze: *Laugh more and clap his hands*

Heatwave: *Chuckle and hold blaze*

Blaze: *Look at him and smile, did the graby hands to get close to his face*

Heatwave: *Pull him closer*

Blaze: *Coos and hug him as he smile*

Heatwave: *His heart melt and smile warmly, hug him back* He hug me QwQ

Blades: *Giggle little and smile* Yeah

Blaze: *Hugging him and yawn, tired*

Heatwave: Let's put you to bed *Get up and take him to his room*

2 weeks ago Blades and Heatwave made Blaze room.

Heatwave: *Put him on his crib and wrap him with a warm blanket and kisses his head*

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Heatwave: *Put him on his crib and wrap him with a warm blanket and kisses his head*

Blaze: *Asleep and hug his stuff bunny*

Blades: *Turn on the remote control to hear him if he cries and one of them will go check on him*

Blades: Goodnight Blaze *Kiss his head and turn on the night light and Clos ethe door*

Heatwave: Let's go to sleep babe

Blades: *Smile* Okay honey

They went to their room and go to sleep (Yes it night and sorry I didn't put it earlier)

Heatwave: *Lay down next to him and cuddle him*

Blades: *Smile and cuddle him back* Goodnight honey

Heatwave: Goodnight bladsy *Smile back and fall asleep*

Blades: *Fall asleep and stay close to him*

Sorry it been a long time I was busy because of school, I had a test and yesterday I finish them all and I can upload my stories :3, see ya!

Singer And Waitress Heatwave X BladesWhere stories live. Discover now