Chapter 47

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As soon as the children spotted Bandu, they stopped playing. Radha quickly disappeared into the house to announce his arrival, while Nand waited for him at the entrance, with a questioning glance at him.

"I had gone to Bali to meet someone important," Bandu said, giving him no chance to question further, ruffled Nand's hair before stepping in through the door. Once inside, he shed his jacket and hung it on the hook on the wall, then made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. On his return, he headed straight for the lunch plate on the table. His mother and sister stood impatiently nearby, waiting for him to take his seat.

"You look tensed, son," his mother observed as soon as he sat down.

"I think we should let him have his food first, mother. He looks famished," Sukhi interrupted before Bandu could answer.

Agreeing with that suggestion, his mother walked over to the bed and sat down to watch her son eat. In the silence that prevailed during the meal, he frantically thought about how he should break the news to his family. But he can't tell them that they might not see him alive again. but convince them of the capability of the police to bring him back safely. Give them hope when he himself did not have any.   

"That was a wonderful meal, dear cook well." Bandu appreciated his sister's cooking. (This may be my last lunch at home.) The thought overwhelmed him.

"Thank you, Maan," she replied with a smile.

After lunch, he came and sat beside his mother on the bed. She looked tired but seemed to be at peace after their reunion. Now he had to stir up that peace and watch the pain lace her face again.

"I did not meet Miss Sakhi, ma," he began, and being straightforward did not beat around the bush.

"Why not...?"

"She...had been...kidnapped yesterday night," he shot the bullet.

"Kidnapped!" two voices raised in chorus.

"God help her, poor child. But why her? And she was recovering, wasn't she?" exclaimed mother as agitation got to her, but soon read between the lines, "Then why were you called to meet her? Are they suspecting you of any wrongdoing?" she asked, as her face crumpled in fear.

"The police had called me to inform me of the ransom note left by the kidnappers," he said and paused to look at their worried faces fixed at him. "They want me as their ransom," he finally added and observed their expression change to stunning faces.

"That's an absurd demand. Why you Maan, why?!" mother cried after the seriousness of the matter crept in.

"The kidnappers think that I have the missing documents, and they want it at any cost,"

"But you don't have them, then how will you rescue Miss Sakhi?"

"What other choice do I have? Maybe I have to convince them that I do not possess the documents. If I do not go there, they might hurt Miss Sakhi,"

"That's a stupid thought to convince them, Maan. They will kill you on the spot when they know that you are not carrying any documents with you. You can't go, Maan, you can't. I won't allow it," She said, getting agitated and angry.

"Mother, listen to me," pleaded Bandu, "This is the only way ahead as I have already received two warning notes, and there was one attempt to kidnap me. I have to settle this matter once and for all, or else their next target might be anyone of you. I can't let that happen," reasoned Bandu with his mother.

Mother and Sukhi were in tears hearing this. Bandu felt guilty that they had to go through all this because of him. In vain, he tried to console them.

"Mother, Sukhi, the police will ensure my safety. I trust them. They will not let anything happen to me. And Samar too will be going with me," Bandu informed them.

"Samar...! Why involve that poor fellow in this Maan? God bless him for his concern," Mother asked accusingly as Bandu realized his folly. He had to tell them the truth about Samar now.

Just then, the children rushed in and see their mother and grandmother in tears and sensed the atmosphere to be tense. Both of them rushed forward and hugged their mother. Nand looked accusingly at Bandu and gestured in anger.

"Come here, Nand," Bandu called the boy to his side. Bandu bent down and placed both his hands on the boy's shoulders and spoke to him in a grave voice, "Now listen carefully. I have to leave today for some important work. It might be a day or two before I return until that time you are in charge of the house and should look after everyone. Do not run away again," Bandu warned playfully.

Nand gave him an approving nod and assured him that he would take care of his mother and grandmother. Bandu then placed the keys to his shop in his mother's hands. They do not converse much in front of the children. Both the ladies were still in trepidation and occasionally wiped away a tear that would leak out of their eyes.

Bandu lay down for a while. He did not reveal to his mother that the missing documents were about GHATTI, nor did he mention anything about Balwant. He hoped to meet Balwant and thus convince him that he did not have the research papers.

For Sukhi, her husband was a mislead person, resultant in his association with Rana. It was not until the police involvement did the family became aware of the depth of his doom into crime, and then it was too late to plead and bring him up from that depth to mend his ways. They were left to fend for themselves.

At prompt 4.30 pm, Samar entered the room while Bandu handed over the studs to his mother. When his usual greeting received no response, he glanced at Bandu with a puzzled look. 

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