Chapter 12: It all comes down to this

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Mark's POV
"I'm glad you remember me, noona." Obviously I was the only one who does not know what was going on.

"Wait, so you two know each other?"

"Yeah, so that's why you're so familiar!" Jane smiled and reached out her hand to Junhoe.

"Ho-how..... wha-what? What?"

"If I'm not mistaken I think Junhoe and I met at the orientation for freshmen last year and we toured together around the school, had short conversations, but now I realize we never really got to introduce ourselves properly. It's nice meeting you, I'm Jane."

"It's nice meeting you too, noona, I'm Junhoe." And they both laughed since it was their second or third introduction.

"How is that you guys are on the same year when Junhoe is younger by a year? And if you have already met Jane, why did you act like it was your first time meeting her?" It was still a bit unclear to me and I needed an explanation.

"I started school early, and as for me pretending not to know Jane noona is just because I wanted to see if she would remember me."

"Oh, that explains a lot, well then I will leave you guys to catch up, I am just going to tell Jackson something." I gave them a genuine smile and left the room as soon as I could.

"Hey Jackson!" I jogged my way to the backstage where GOT7 was.

"Oh Mark, what's up?! Why did you leave Junhoe up there?"

"I have to ask you something very important."

"Okay, bro, shoot." His eyes turned from jolly to serious.

"Is it possible for you to have Siwan's phone number?" It was obvious that he was confused with my question because why the hell would I want Siwan's phone number all of a sudden but he answered my question anyway.

"Yeah, I asked for it when we last met, why?" I was hesitant to give him a reason but remembering Jane's sad face, I gave one.

"I have a favor to ask.... can you give it to me?"

"Oh yeah, sure."

I went outside of the building to contact Siwan and thankfully on the fourth ring he answered.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Hello, Siwan. This is Mark. Do you still remember me?"

"Hi, Mark. Yeah, I still do, man. What's up?" There was a hint of sadness in his voice, and somehow that made me feel guilty.

"Uhm if it's not too much to ask, can you do me a favor?" I was embarrassed to ask him this but remembering how desperate Jane was to see Siwan it determined me.

"As long as I could do it, sure." Then and there I knew that he was a good guy. It's a shame we both felt the same way for the same girl. If it wasn't like that we could have been the best of friends.

"Uhm can you go here at Jane's event?" I was basically begging him to go in the tone of my voice, but what could I do if that's the only way to cheer Jane up? I knew he was hesitant since it took him so long to answer.

"Well..... uhm that's just a bit......"

"Please. She's been dying to see you. Please." I didn't care anymore how desperate I sounded, I had to convince him.

"Hmm, okay. I'll be there in 10." I mouthed the word 'yes' and threw a fist in the air.

"Thank you so much. She would love it."

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