♔ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 ♔

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"So you would like to move to the Eastern side?"
Queen Alice asked us, Everyone sat at the dining table with rather astonished faces.

"We are not moving there, Just a couple of weeks,"
William spoke before stuffing the cut square of steak into his mouth.

The king said dropping his fork loudly on his plate.


"I do not understand why not. That is me and Ellis's land, we are allowed to move there and to do as we please with it."
William clenched his fork as he tried to compose himself.

"You aren't responsible enough to be permitted to do such a thing."
The king's cold emotionless voice appeared yet again and I could feel William's patience is on the verge of snapping.

"Oh but Raya and Benji are?"
Said William frustratedly.

"They can carry themselves, You on the other hand are a disaster."
My mouth parted at the king's words. What is wrong with him?

"What have I ever done to make you think this of me? You never gave me a chance to start with!"
William's thin branch of patience snapped in half, His voice got louder as his fist slammed against the table loudly.

"If it were Weston asking I would have let him go, But sitting in front of me, Is his messed up shadow nothing else."
Gasps and shocked faces were exchanged, My jaw fell to the floor. Did he really just say that?

Queen Alice exclaimed loudly,

William's glare was as sharp as broken glass shards,

"Come on, Ellis. We are leaving."
William interrupted me, His chair squeaking as it got pushed backward. His hand grasped mine pulling me up.

"What is wrong with you?"
Raya stood up facing her father.

"If you leave, You shall never return."
My hand tightened around William's. Is this man serious?

That was all William had said before pulling me out of the dining hall and making his way to our floor.

His grip on my hand was growing painful, but I could handle it. He needs it right now.

Once we finally reached the floor, William turned to a servant.

"Pack anything that belongs to us, Got it?"
He barked at him and the servant nodded, I smiled at him apologetically.

"Okay, stop."
I said once we reached the living room, I pulled my hand out of his tight grip.

"William, you have to think about this. You're giving up the throne! You can't make such a decision when you're so angry."

"Oh, Ellis if you only knew how long I've been wanting to do this."
His jaw was clenched so hard I feared it might break.

"But William-"
"Do you want to stay here, Ellis? Do you not want to lose royalty? Is that it?"
He asked, a hurt set of gorgeous eyes bearing into mine.

"No! You know that I want nothing but to be normal, but you know there is no such a thing as normal for us. Do you know what you're signing up for? There won't be cooks nor servants to be at your service, There won't be guards to guard you. We will live like normal people but with danger written all over us."
I spoke quickly and his hands grasping my face caught me off guard.

"Ellis, I will keep you safe, I promise. I have a set of teeth and claws ready to get between you and anything that might hurt you. No one hurts my m- my- uh"
He let go of my face scratching the back of his head. Your mate? Everything in me screamed to say it out loud.

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