Chapter 3

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Taehyung took Jungkook to one of the peaceful place in the city as he knew younger loves spending time in such places when he is stressed. There were very less people around them. They settled down on the nearby bench.

Jungkook looked up at the bluish grey sky with a small smile on his lips. Birds were chirping and chasing one another, moving around, giving him a sense that they were going home.

HOME is such a foreign word for Jungkook. The place where he lives cannot be called a home, it lacked the warmth he was craving for, it lacked the essence of welcoming. For him home is a place where he feels like he belongs there, a place where he feels safe, unbounded from all the worldly bounds, where he can be himself without pretending.

Looking up at the sky, a smile formed on his lips after a whole week, glad to be able to witness such a spectacular view. The feeling and vibes were indescribable for him. He felt at ease looking at the soothing bluish sky above his head after a week long of misery and hopeless weeping.

The street lights started to blink indicating that it would lit up soon, to lighten up the path for the people walking. Jungkook's eyes darted down at the pathway only to find 2 children playing with their mother. At that particular moment he missed his mother more than he expected, a sudden urge made its way to his heart, he wanted to hold his parents tight in his arms and never let them go.

Smiling at the children, he reminisced some of his childhood memories. He recalled those times when he spent with his parents in spite of their busy schedule, and few other moments he spent with his grandma and his beloved Hobi hyung.

Looking at the other side, he spotted an old couple having their evening walk hand-in-hand. Jungkook could sense the happiness radiating from them just by looking. A smile was now evident on his beautiful face as he saw them giggling and laughing together.

All this time Taehyung observed every action and expression of the younger, it was as if he could feel what he was feeling, he felt as if there is soul connection between the two of them. Taehyung observed Jungkook's gaze at a certain direction and he himself looked at the direction only to find a lovely old couple and a smile made its way to the elder's lips. "They are beautiful. Aren't they?" Taehyung asked still his eyes glued up at the couple.

"At some point I imagined two of us like that." Jungkook blurted out. Taehyung looked back at the younger who was looking at the couple with so many emotions.

"Our future can still look like that if you give me a chance to apologize to you, chance to explain myself, chance to cherish you and pour all my love to you, kookie." Taehyung whispered in a pleading tone.

"Tell me honestly Tae. Can I trust you?" Jungkook asked looking straight at Taehyung. The elder felt a pang of hurt when the younger asked such a question.

"I understand why you are asking me like that. But believe me Jungkook, all the emotions I shared with you were truer than my own existence. I was just afraid to lose you." Taehyung said faintly. "I love you Kookie, I love you with all my heart." Taehyung confessed with tears rolling down his eyes while intertwining his hand with the younger.

"I was so desperate to hear those words from you 1 week back. Now I don't know what to decipher out of that." Jungkook said with sadness evident in his voice while his eyes betrayed him as tears formed in them.

"Please kookie, don't say like that. At least give me a chance to explain myself. Please." Taehyung pleaded while peppering the younger's hand with kisses.

Jungkook didn't reply for a few moments. He just sat there still tears rolling down his closed eyes. He took a deep breath and said "I want to know everything, every single detail about you Tae. Then only I'll be able to decide."

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