Wish Of Love

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'With moon,stars,sea,and the fire as the witnesses i claimed my granted wish to be mine'

Every of us have a wish either it is for ourselves or for other people.And every people wish for different things some wish for wealth or power,some wish for their dream,some for their happiness or success,some even wish awful things for others,and there are peoples who wish for something impossible that perhaps only magic can make it granted.

And i consider my self as one of them. I am someone who is already contented with almost everything in my life,well except for a certain something-the love of my life.As may cliche as it sounds but i am one of those people who wish for the person they love to feel the same.

I just decided to look around than to think about it again and again.I was in awe looking at the beautiful nature around me.

The giant trees standing tall and proud everywhere filled with beautiful green leafs are giving me so much nostalgia.I closed my eyes as the woodsy fragrance of the forest lingers in my nose,the feeling of peace, tranquility, and renewal rushed through me.

My friends are all having their own little world,they were talking about some random things about the forest and of course the never ending tales.I just decided to stay away a little from them to enjoy the breath-taking view,another thing is tales talk are not really my things i am not a kid anymore to believe in those.

I took at a glance at the handsome man in the back,just like me he wasn't also interested with the topic of the group as he is busy taking photos around.I couldn't restrain my self from giggling when he almost jump out of fear when a little bug suddenly landed at his veiny hands.

I tried so hard to restrain myself from approaching him,i would love to see him enjoy nature alone i know he is still a little scaredy cat and the most clumsy so i really can't stop taking a look at him from time to time.

"Enjoying the view,My friend?"Interrupt by a grating voice.I turned my gaze to him,he put his hand on my shoulder as he trace where my eyes was looking before he arrived when he finally realize what was i looking at he then look at me with an annoying teasing smile on his face.

"Don't you even...."It was a warning.

I was already exasperated with the fact that i wasn't able to have this trip alone and if he even dare to tease me right now i swear to god i will chop chop his body and feed it to the mountain animals.

Our whole group really loves traveling everywhere together but this time i really want to be alone and heal myself through the nature,but this stupid fella beside me found out about it and invite everyone to go,i almost killed him and make burger out of his meat.

"Calm down.I am not even saying anything"He said snickering.

"Go back there leave me alone"I said pointing at our friends who is currently still walking closely together while talking about random forest tales stuffs. I am sure my eyes is now giving him a death glare but he doesn't even seems to be bothered by it.

"Only if you answer my question"

"Fire"Do you i have any choice?No.I only want my peace.

"Do you believe in witches?"I knew it would a stupid question like him,i look at him with annoyed face and just decided to walk away,i really like the view in that spot but nevermind.

I slow down walking when i reached our guide who is leading us the way,he sometimes tell something like facts and such about the mountain it was only me who was interested at listening.

"How about you do you believe in witches?"Bonz voice coming from the back,they start scaring each other making them to walk faster now they just at our back so i can clearly hear their annoying voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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