the next day

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The day after everything went down
I went to school with a big, big frown.
I was vulnerable to everything and everyone,
And I wasn't sure how to keep from coming undone.
The five boys whom I had relied on
For the past five years
Left me with a Facebook post and a bunch of tears.
In my classes people looked at my face,
Wondering why there was no makeup, not a trace.
Those who knew laughed at my situation,
'What's so important about some band?'
But they didn't know my relation.
My relation to those five
Wondrous boys on the stage;
And they couldn't possibly feel my rage.
Mad at the world for causing me such pain;
Mad at the sky for making it rain.
But rain just proves
The raven haired boy is a god.
Otherwise, why would the sky sob?
Those who knew of what had happened
Looked at me,
A girl with a makeup-free face, misshapen
And filled up their eyes with a kind of pity,
Because no one loves the boys more than me.
More than the air, more than the trees,
More than the skies and more than the seas.
Today was almost, but not quite,
Worse than the first,
And I was full of anger.
Angry at the world for inflicting
Such a curse.
Angry at the news
For making it worse.
But out of all that there was some hope:
One thing that sparked my defiance.
A thing called 'The Sixth Alliance'.
The loving fans of the boys on the stairs
Came up with a plan because we all care.
We are going to,
No ifs, ands or buts,
Get back our boys
By placing our trust
Into each other
To buy the band,
So we can all have a say in the matter at hand.

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