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A few hours have passed since I last saw the two police. I've been sat in her room, or should I say my room now that I'm in here more than her, for about 2 hours just sitting and staring at the ceiling. I don't know how long she will be with the man but I have a feeling that whatever she's doing isn't good considering the time.

I sigh and get up off the bed to change into more cleaner clothes (which are still in my suitcase that sits in her walk in closet with all of her dresses) and afterwards, I search through all of the draws and cabinets to look for anything that will be useful for whatever encounters me when I leave the room. I've genuinely had enough of sitting in here all day, waiting for her to finish whatever the fuck she's doing. She's wasting my time, and I don't need her protection.

As I walk around her large room, I come across a transparent cabinet at the far back, which isn't visible when in the main area of her room. I have never seen this cabinet before which is strange, but then again since of the size of her  room you never know how much is being kept around in secrecy.
In the cabinet, there is boatload of weapons such as knifes, hand guns, ropes, and tools that could easily kill instantly. My heart falls for just a minute when observing the scenery, why the hell does she need all of these? My mind spins just a little, so I grip my thighs to stop me from panicking.

I shake my head to discard my overanalyzing thoughts, and pull on the cabinet door. But to my surprise, it's locked. Shit. Where could she have put the key? She could even have it with her for gods sake.
I glance around the room while thinking about where the key could be, when in the corner of my eye I could just about see it, a sizeable golden pole sits within the messy closet hiding between her dresses. I rush over and grab it, then swing the pole across the glass door instantly. Shattered Glass flies everywhere and the noice blares through my ears.
My hand briskly goes to grab the sharpest knife that is the closest when my arm gets caught on the glass through the broken hole. And fuck, it hurts like hell. I manage to get the knife but now I'm left with a deep cut that's basically the length of a ruler on the back of my arm. Blood triples down rapidly and sweat surfaces the crown of my forehead as my breathing picks up. Time feels as if it's racing by now, my movements becoming quick and restless and my breathing gets heavy. I rush over to Elizabeth's nearest dress that hangs in the closet, tare the ends of the dress with the sharp knife and wrap it tightly around my arm to stop the blood.
Then I pick up the knife, and run out of the room as quickly as I possibly can.

I run back into the lobby to see that she and the cop aren't there anymore. My unharmed arm reaches up and wipes the sweat that sits on my forehead. I need to calm down. My emotions are heightened and that never ends well. I sit gently on the edge of the sofa arm, shutting my eyes and begin to control my breathing levels.
"You okay honey?" I hear closely. My eyes dart open, and before me Liz Taylor stands. I stand up and hide the knife behind my back.
"What uh— I'm fine" My head shakes continuously.
"You seem very on edge" She smiles, then looks down at my arm where blood seeps through the fabric.
"Did you cut yourself?" she asks, and I gulp, wiping my forehead once again.
"I'm looking for Elizabeth" I say with unease, trying to change the subject and pretending everything's okay.
"She went round back" She looks at my arm and then back up at me and I let out a small smile. She can tell that I'm nervous.
"Can I get you anything?"
I look at her helpless and confused. "What?"
Her eyes scan mine and she furrows her brow.
"For your arm"
I look back down at my arm and place my hand over it, I don't know why.
My head turns looking for where Elizabeth may have gone, unsure on what 'round back' actually means.
"Girl what is the matter with you?" She sighs like she's getting impatient. But I can't concentrate on whatever she's saying. I just need to find Elizabeth.
"I'm sorry it's important, so I should go"
"She troubles you" Liz says before waving me away and reappearing behind the booking table, messing with the room keys that hang up behind her.
I push my hands through my wavy hair and let in a deep breath, then walking the way that are supposedly where the back rooms of the hotel are.

Once I have found them, It's dark when walking through the corridor. They were obviously meant for staff only back when this place was first built, but now they are just abandoned rooms that no one goes into. I'm confused as to why she's gone in there, but then again she's probably trying to hide the fact that she's seducing a police man...classic her. I get to the end of the dark corridor and 3 doors appear in front of me. I try to swallow the hard lump that sits in my throat, but my mouth is too dry to do so. Unsurprisingly, A small light shines through the small opening of the door on the far end, so I assume she'll probably be in there. I push the door slowly and it makes a loud creaking sound, and in the room it's quiet. "Elizabeth?" I say whispering before walking in.
The light on the fire exit sign flickers and I can feel my heart hammering through my chest.
I hold out the knife in front of me, my hand shaking a little, and walk in quickly.

I turn my head and my heart sinks abruptly.
"What the fuck?"
My feet stumble backwards and I hit the wall frantically, dropping the knife in horror.
There was the police man, hung up by the collar of his shirt on a hook that sits the wall. Blood is scattered almost everywhere, on his face; hands, neck, shirt, the wall, the floor and his eyes are horrifically glued open. His face in full terror.

My heart rate spikes and I feel frozen, unable to take my eyes off of the cop. I don't know what the fuck to do or what's happening in this moment of time, but I know that it's not safe at all. A small thought quivers in my mind, but I gather all of my strength and move quickly turning to the door. But I come to a stop when I notice her standing in the corridor.
"Elizabeth?" I say through my harsh breathing.
She walks forwards slowly and her whole face and body is covered with blood. I take a step back steadily, stepping on the knife as I do so. I quickly kneel down to grab the knife and push myself up again.
Now I have the knife in front of me, my eyes double taking the dead police man and her.
"Did you-" I'm finding it so hard to speak over my panic.
"Is that my knife?" She says passionately with a smile.
"You killed-" I can't fucking speak.
"You're always panicking angel. Breathe"
But I can't breathe. How can I breathe when she's just fucking murdered someone so brutally. She's psychotic.
She walks closer to me and the knife is suddenly pointing at her chest. My hand shakes rapidly when holding it.
She looks down at it, turns her head to the cop and then back at the knife. She smiles evilly.
"Oh come on. You wanted this to happen"
My eyes find hers and my face is filled with fear. "What? no—" My words shake. My head trembles.
"You were jealous, I saw it. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 wanted him dead Josie" She puts her hand on the blade of the knife roughly, and small drips of blood fall down her wrist.
"You're wrong"
Her smile gets even bigger, and I feel afraid. Of her or myself? I have no clue.
"You wanted him dead and it happened. You did this darling"
By now, I'm freaking the fuck out. Tears fall down my face and my shaking is uncontrollable. My head pounds ugly thoughts through my head, that maybe I did want him dead. Maybe I wanted him to suffer so bad. He didn't deserve to ever lay a finger on her let alone have sex with her. But why? Why would I ever think like that, it isn't me.

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