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❏:Lotus flower: Lotus symbolizes awakening, expansion and consciousness

'Awake' what an easy word that rolled out and slip pass our mouths.

Are you awake? Are you conscious about your life- About the every bit of atom that stuck in the texture of our skin? Are you?

Awake is easy to say- to describe like a fluff fur of a young sheep, but it's not easy.

Awakening is not easy if you don't have the determination to open your eyes and see the scorching lightbulb by your bed.

And the will to even see life again.

Y/n was oposite of that.

And as she opened her eyes she was greeted by a landscape of wonderful colors. If possible where she was at was a painting worthy for a museum.

How the world was nothing but vast evergreen and scattering floret.

She awed.

Can this be a dream- No, It is a dream.

Not a single thing can be beautiful as this in her reality.

Y/n looked at her body- it was of translucent embers. And now that she took note of that she also noticed how she can't feel anything.

Not the wind hitting her skin, not her blood circulation, even her own breathing. But she can move, as if she was air herself. Floating along the waves of grassland.

Once she focuses on her surrounding , she looked at her feet- how her feet touch the vast green grass. But yet, she didn't feel the grazed of the leaves that touched her sole.

Looking up she saw a silhouette of a person. Their back was facing her but she can see how they plucked the wild flowers on the side of the meadow. Their body was of a man, but y/n knew not to assume gender. Their face was hazy and scratched like swirling illusions.

Y/n squinted her eyes, attempting to clear out the foggy image of the person before her.

The person turned around to look at her. Standing before her was nothing but a sun colored clump of hair.

And then she fall from the face of the earth.
Obliterated from her dream.


was someone calling for her?

"Y/n.....wake...please..wake up"

'Inui, is that inui? Was he calling for me?'

Oh how she dearly miss him, but somewhat in the dark abyss of water she's floating. The past memories of both of them flashed through her mind like a camera pic.

Where was she? The last thing she remembered- She remembered red. Lots of red and orange that mixed up like how she painted the fire.

Was the fire a beautiful painting she suffered upon? She felt how the red paint touched and burned her skin. She remembered sunflowered locks that filled her eyes, and last she smelled the fragrant perfurmes of flowers.

She was on her own dream like nightmare. Her own unconsciousness that displayed the drowning hope she had.

Was she ever going to wake up? Inui surely is suffering now because of her.

"Wake up you dumb bitch" she pleaded in her mind, to prevent water from flowing and filling up her lungs and throat.

"Wake up! Wake up!" She cried, as water forcefully push inside her mouth making her gag out lifelessly.

'Pathetic, why are you so pathetic'

And just as she was about to close her eyes, she heard one last whisper.

"I miss you"

If she had stayed awake a little longer she could've said the same.

"Y/n stop being stubborn"

huh? What is this?

"Hey y/n are you listening?! Stop running your going to trip yourself"

"Shut up blond- AHHHHH FXUK"

"I told you so"

Y/n was back in daylight but she was now standing in a small playground. It was sunset as the evident tint of orange soared in the sky.

She looked at her, at herself and inui that stand by the swings. It was her and inui Months after they First met.

But why is she there when she's standing Here? She looked at her hands and noticed that it's translucent.

That makes more sense, she was looking at her past memories while being in the state of unconsciousness.

"See, you hurt yourself" inui huffed, dusting the dirt of her outfit.

"Oh really, I didn't see that" past y/n said Sarcastically, forcing a grateful smile at the blond. Gently rubbing her legs and back to minimize the aching pain.

Her stomach rumbled, as her eyes widen in embarasment. She looked at the blond, and he looked back at her.

"Hey inui, I'm hungry"

"Hey hungry, I'm Inui "


Y/n silently laughed as she watched herself drag inui out of the playground to a near by vending machine. The two bickered along the way, fighting which Food or drink to get. Softly smacking each other's shoulders before bursting out laughs.

Good days, what good days.

Y/n smiled. "I'd give anything to experience this again" she whispered. Softly looking at the figures of the fading couple, she look at the sky.

"I'm going back inui"

And so the world turned dark again, reversing to the time where she succumb to a dreadful dreamland. Like the lullaby that played outside her hearing.

 Like the lullaby that played outside her hearing

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- accidentally deleted the original chap. So i have to rewrite this

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