Prologue; The Moon Above

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

"Starlight! You're not supposed to be outside, you know what master said!" Fretted my friend while scratching his face. "Oh, stop being such a goodie two shoes Tenko!" I teased lightly as I hear him respond with a grumble of frustration. As much as he protested you'd figure he would just stay behind with all his complaining that; but he continued on behind me.

Our small bare feet echoed as we walked up the fire escape to reach the rooftop.
As I reach to open the door I sadly realize it had a shiny padlock stuck to the handle.
Figures father would've thought ahead, last time I got caught sneaking out, he was livid.

"Oh well! Looks like we have to go back to bed." Tenko hummed sarcastically as he turned to head back. I look up at the small window at the top of the gigantic door; I deeply inhale with disappointment. As I catch a glimpse of the twinkling stars and the dark blue hue of the night sky, I let out a sigh.
He looked back at me, and stopped in his tracks and his snark vanished into a saddened look once he caught a glimpse of the expression on my face.

Suddenly his hand reached in front of me and grabbed the padlock. His quirk completely obliterated the lock into nothing. I looked at him in awe as he rolled his eyes. "Stop giving me that dumb look! If you say anything to master I'll-" Thank you Tenko!" I interrupted him with a bear hug. "Starlight!" He fretted in frustrated panic wheezing gasps of air. I let go and smile at him bashfully. "You gotta be more careful!" He exclaimed in a hush, worry coating his eyes. "Ahew, you do care." I jokingly gushed and his face turned a deep shade of crimson.

"I don't- ugh, just open the door!" He said in annoyance yet anticipation, almost as if he wanted to go outside just as much as I did. I reached up and grabbed the door knob and slowly push the heavy door open, I struggle as the wind pushes back on the door as I open it to the roof. The cool air wisps through the door and tousles our hair and pyjamas.

As my bare foot touches the coolness of the pavement I let out an excited gasp and take my footing as I run to the edge of the roof. I hop onto the ledge and throw my arms out wide and inhale deeply as the moonlight seeps into my skin. The stars twinkle brightly with the ambiance of the distant city lights sparkling.

"How far do you think it is?" I asked as Tenko sat on the ledge next to me. "How far is what?" He asked while scratching his face. "The moon." I said, eyes fixed on it. "Hm, I never thought about that before." He hummed to himself. "Maybe a quadrillion servings of soba stacked on top of each other!" I added as I hear Tenko chuckle. "Ha! Yeah, maybe." He said softly, eyes now also fixed on it as I sit down beside him.

"Can you tell me the story again?" I hummed sleepily as we stared at the night sky. "Again?!" He exclaimed. "D-do you really like it that much." He mumbled and I hummed in response looking at him with pleading eyes as he let out a defeated sigh. "Fine! But you owe me." He grumbled.

"Chang'e, was a young girl working in the Jade Emperor's palace in heaven, where immortals, good people and fairies lived. One day, she accidentally broke a precious porcelain jar. Angered, the jerky Jade Emperor banished her to live on earth, where all us ordinary people lived. She could return to Heaven, if she contributed a valuable service on earth." Tenko spoke sternly while occasionally scratching his face.

"When she was 18, she met a young hunter named Houyi from another village; They became friends. One day, a strange phenomenon occurred - 10 suns arose in the sky instead of one, blazing the earth. Houyi, an expert archer, stepped forward to try to save the earth. He successfully shot down nine of the suns, which I find completely ridiculous, he became an instant hero. He eventually became king and married Chang'e."

"The two lived happily until one day, a mysterious old man came and gave Houyi an elixir that could make him live forever. Houyi hesitated whether to take the pill. He was unsure and left the pill under his pillow on the bed. Chang'e found the pill. She did not know what it was and just swallowed it like an idiot. Chang'e became immortal and flew to the moon. Houyi was devastated and died." He ended and I let out a sigh at the sadness of the end of the story.

"It's also rumoured that her tears are all the stars In the sky." Tenko added and my eyes teared up and he laughed. "It's not funny!" I said while wiping the tears out of my eyes. "Jeez, you're such a baby." He said teasingly and I rolled my eyes. "Well I am younger then you!" I argued and he smirked. "Which also means I'm smarter then you." He laughed as I playfully shoved him.

"We should get back to bed soon, before someone notices. You remember how much trouble we got into last time!" Tenko said and I huffed in frustration. I look up at the sky again and a lightbulb went off in my head and my eyes twinkled with wonder. "Oh no, I know what that look means." Tenko groaned knowing and having experienced the backend of my ideas. The one time lead to us filling the dining hall with stray cat's; long story short, let's just say father wasn't pleased.

"We should go!" I said excitedly staring at the big bright moon in front of us. He gave me a dumbfounded smile. "To bed?" He said hopefully. I pointed straight at it. "To the moon?" He teased and I nodded my head enthusiastically.

"Well, what if she really is up there and is all alone?! She must be lonely." I say enthusiastically and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Okay, say we somehow we got to the moon; what if she's not even up there?" He questioned and I smiled at him.

"Then we can live there, together!" I said softly and his face lit up a gentle shade of pink. "Y-you mean that?" He stuttered as he continued to itch away. I hummed in response. "But we have to a purpose, master is counting on us."He said with a heavy darkness behind his eyes that has been becoming more frequent lately. "Well, yeah of course! I mean once we're done!" I said hopefully and the darkness in his eyes faded as I lightly placed my hand atop of his. "Imagine how fun it would be! Eating moon cheese, being able to bounce around! And being able to look at the sky and tell stories every night."

"What about master?" He asked in shock. "We will be our own masters! We can be free!" I said desperately, the word free hitching in my throat. He looked at me sadly. He started at me for a while and let out a soft sigh. "Fine, I'll go to the moon with you or whatever.." he mumbled with a slight smile and I bare hugged him again. "Only if you stop hugging me!" He gasped for air in embarrassment and panic.

Our youth filled with talk of the moon and that unreachable heaven that we longed for soon faded away as we aged, along with our friendship and any hope of being free.

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