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        As katness returned from her hunt she helps prim get dressed and gave her the mockingjay pin katness and Prim go off to the reaping cerimoniey. When prim starts to feel light headed Katness tells her it won't be you i promise. Prim gets her figure pricked and goes to wait with the other kids. Effie trinket started to play the video after the video she drew the names and she sayed for the girls we'll have PRIMROSE EVERDEEN. Katness passed out from shock and horror while she fell to the ground. Prim walked up to the stage while Effie pulled peeta mallarks name for the boys.After the reaping before prim rides off to the capitol. Her mom comes in and holds prim realy tight and says win prim win.Prim's mom leaves and Katness comes in and tells Prim knifes use knifes and you'll survive i love prim. Then katness had to leeave .Prim got on the train next to peeta. They sit there in silence until Haymitch comes out with a bottle of BEER. Prim asks kindly what are you drinking sir. Haymitch says while sluring It's beer Ma'am. Peeta then asks what are we going to do to you know train for this? Haymitch says i'll help you tomorrow boy and girl. peeta stands up and takes the bottle and throws it to the ground Haymitch screams WHO THE HELL DO THINK YOU ARE. Prim stomach growls and peeta says you need to eat some thing. Prim begins to eat the food provided on the train. When they arive in the capitol. Prim stands up but do to he hieght only being 4.6. She asks peeta to hold her up and peeta does so while smileing. The crowd there passing is screaming out in joy at the site of them. When the train stops they get off and meet there stylises. After about 2 hours of work and dressing. The tribute parade has arrived Peeta and Prim still did the fire thing but insted of holding hands prim just got on peeta's shoulders. The crowd begins to cheer and throw flowers at them. After the parade they go to there apartment and hit the hay for the night. The next day is the training but they don't have to go to the jim until 11:00. At the time it's 7:00 Prim goes to the table and gets a breakfeast consisting of 2 bisquets, 5 pieces of bacon and a 6 stack of pancakes. She stays there eating for about 30 mins until Haymitch comes down Prim says good morning Haymitch smiles and says thanks before opening his first bear of the day.  Prim and Haymitch sit there until about 8:00 when Effie and Peeta come down they all sit around the table and eat until 9:00. Effie get's up and says I must use the bathroom after she leaves Prim asks Haymitch what's a career tribute. Haymitch explains that there trained and coo coo killers who have lived for this match. Prim and peeta go back to there rooms until 11:00. When they arrived Prim took one look at the career tributes and could feel her knees go weak just at the site as it dawned on her she is very well the phsyichicly the weakest person her next to that district 11 girl.  Any way Prim and peeta split up Wile peeta went to learn camoflodge. Prim runs off to learning Fire starting,climbing and what she can or can't eat. This continues for 3 days until the individual training day. When Prim arrived at the jim. She follows Katness's advice and goes off to the knifes she feels a little wierd she has never realy held a weapon. She picks up a throwing knife and takes aim and throws it at the target and hits it dead in the head part. She looks up and sees the game makers not looking she solvly says look what i just did while she was smileing at them they smiled at her and that was that she went to her appartment room.  The next morning when the training scores Peeta got an 8 and Prim got a 10. The next event before the games is the interviews with ceaser. That night the interviews went pretty quick and not much happend so Prim was fine and her interview went okay and fine. After the interviews they went home and went to sleep. The next morning Prim and Peeta get on the tribute get and fly to the arena. Prim gets her tracker put in and with in 5 mins she is in the loading dock her stylist gave her a pair of jeans and a grey shirt and her Mockingjay pin. She got in the tube and sayed goodbye cissian. The timer starts and DING DING DING. The games have begon the careers and 5 other people run to the cornacopia while Prim and a few others ran away. Prim tryed to  grab a backpack and run but chloe landed a throwing knife in her right arm and then threw a bowy knife but Prim caught that one but then fox face tackled chloe and Prim ran off into the woods. She runs about 200 feet away from the cornicopia she sat down pulled the knife out of her arm and put it in her pocket while she careed the other knife in her hand and kept walking near the end of day 1 of 18 she climbed a tree and used a rope to ty her self down as she driffeded off to sleep. When Prim woke up there was an anoucement that 11/24 tributes are dead. Prim climbs down puts her knife in her left hand and started walking north away from the cornicopia.  As Prim was walking a tribute from district 7 came running at her she screamed and struck him inthe throat with her big knife. He falls to the ground Prim while in shock looked at himin confuseion the boy struck her in the shen with a brass knuckle Prim started out of instected she started rapidly staping the kid to death until well he died.She heard the cannon and took his brass knucke which was his only weapon but she also took his water bottle and full lunch box of food and kept walking.  She climbed up another tree tied her self down and started eating the food she got until night she finishes her food and goes on to sleep. When wakes up she sees that now 14/24 tributes are dead now. She climbs down and walks for a few feet and found a lake she filled he water bottle and drank up so much water.  She walks on until she stand face to face and by that i mean rue the district 11 little girl was 5 feet in front of her Prim readied her knife while rue pulled out a sharped stick they ran at each other but rue was out wieghing Prim by 10 pounds but Prim pushed rue down a hill they roled for like 5 mins until the both hit a root and go flying 2 feet in the air they both hit the ground rue pulls out her sling shot and flings a rock at Prim but Prin dodged but barely Rue the ran at Prim and tryed to stabb her but Prim cut the stick in 2 but use the sharp part to stab Prim  in the left leg. Prim pulls out her brass knuckle and poped rue clean in the jaw takeing out 5 teeth. Rue jumped back Prim tackled her into the mud started to punch her many times in the face with he brass knuckle until rue kicked her off and rue stood up but right then an arrow went threw her chest killing her. Rue's body dropped and Prim saw the career tributes she pulled out her throwing knife and ckucked it at the careers and she took out Catos right eye. chloe then inraged she threw 3 bowy knifes at her but Prim dodged and ran for her lifeuntil she found a tree and climbed it and tied her self down and waited for night fall. Back with the careers cato's eye is being treated bye chloe while the othe blonde girl and the district 4 female career along with peeta stand gareud. Peeta seeing his chance he killed the district 4 girl bu the blonde one then shot him in the head killing him. Night falls but in the morining Prim wakes up and sees that now 18/24 tributes are dead now. she looks down but to her horror it's cato,chloe and the blonde one right below her.  The blonde one shot an arrow at her but Prim dodged it barely cato the threw a knife at her but she only got a small cut on the right leg but when the knife fell it full on hit her in the same spot on the leg she pulled it out in while screaming in pain while cato said that's for my eye little girl. When Prim got the knife out she staped it into the tree when she heard a tree fall she said what's that to cato he says your stupid but right the Tresh the huge 6.5 mucle man from district 11 came out with an ax and he implanted it into the blonde ones head killing her he the tryed to get cato but missed cato took blondies bow and arrows while chloe had her arm hacked off bu then cato slashed thresh with his sword in the right and cato ran off to the cornicopia. thresh then looked up at Prim and said come on down little girl Prim climbed down and stiched up thresh's cut. They then walk off to thresh's camp. When they arrive thresh gives Prim some food and water They then go to sleep for the night. Prim wakes up and sees fox face she wakes up thresh who sees fox face they both get up and charge at her Prim stabs her while thresh chokes her they easily kill her. Thresh and Prim agree they need to kill chloe and cato at the cornicopia they head out when they get there thresh trys to hack at chloe but cato comes out and stabs him in the gut but thresh drives his ax into cato's rib cage but then chloe comes out and with her one arm she throws many knives into thresh's back but thresh then picked up and threw cato at chloe they both hit thr ground thresh goes running at them catused the last arrow to shoot thresh in the right side of the chest thresh then used the ax to to kill chloe he then turned and hit cato in the right leg but then cato hacked thresh's throat but he ain't dead cato stands and looks at prim but thresh hits him in the back bone before thresh died of blood louse cato picked up thresh's ax and charged at Prim full speed but Prim pulled out her knuckle and hit cato in the jaw makeing cato drop the ax Prim get's up and stabs catos stomach 5 times in the same spott  but then cato picks up his sword and slashes Prim in the stomach and kicked her back 5 feet prim finds a malet on the ground possibly used at the start she picks it up smacks cato in the face with it busting his nose but then cato back hands her and throws her 10 feet. Prim lands on a broken knife that doug into her back she pulled it out and threw it to the ground she sees cato pick up his sword and run at her but his leg wound stops him but he still runs at Prim but prim found the ax and swung it into cato's head. THE GAME MAKER SAYS THERE YOU HAVE IT YOU WINNER PRIMROSE EVERDEEN DISTRICT 12                                                                                                                                                      THE     END                                                                 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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