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"Maami, I'm off to school." I said as I rushed in the hot rice on my plate, my mum was out in a minute. I poured myself a cup of water and drank up while cleaning the little sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand; hot sweet food.

Me and food sha.

"Thank you, ma... Okay oo" I waved as I picked up my school bag and the cash then made my way out.

"You will excel" I heard her pray and I smiled while saying the 'Amen' internally.


Mr. Lagbaja had sent his driver to pick me up earlier but I had sneaked out without the driver's notice. I wanted to get to the school myself but right now I wish I had allowed the driver to take me.

As I got down from the cab I saw different cars, black, white, Golden, name them... I saw them all and I felt as if I wasn't among.

I blew out a sigh then breathe in before staring at the gigantic building before me "Royal High Academy"

"OMG! This looks bigger than the ones in the posters and pictures, omoor, na rich people go plenty here o" I gawked as I stared at the surrounding.

The school was built in a U-shape which I guess would signify different blocks. My attention quirked as I saw the garden around it, it reminded me of the one in Mr. Lagbaja's compound.

"Omoh, this school no be bean ooo... Money dey speak in dollars here." I said out loud then laughed.

I was about walking in when someone bumped into me, I steadied myself so I wouldn't fall but the intruder fell on her butt.

"Ouch!" She shrieked and I frowned.

'Ouch?' What type of sound is that one.

"I'm sorry." I quickly helped the girl up only to be stricken by her beauty.

"Its okay, I wasn't looking. . . Wow, are you a new student? Cause I sure haven't seen a beautiful girl like you here." she sassed, obviously.


"SS2" I answered and she smiled.

"We're in the same class, com'n. Let me show you around before the assembly starts." she held my hand and walked me in.

I couldn't help but stare around, the outside looked magnificent but the inside? it's extraordinary extravagant and beautiful. The owner must be richer than the way they wrote his bio in magazines.

I couldn't help but notice the stare the student who passes gave us, they'll just smile and wave anytime while some with just eye me and turn away, giving me a reason to be cautious.

Well, I guess this 'ouch girl' is very friendly and popular cause everyone just kept smiling at her until we got to the senior block.

Told ya

"This is our class room." she voiced while opening a door and we walked in, only three people were on seat, they waved at us and I nodded shyly in return.

That was so unlike me.

"And this our locker... what's your name?"

"Mercy Andrew"

"Found it! Here's your locker, Mercy" she said pointing to a part of the big shelf where my name was inscribed on. "Wow!" I muttered pulling my bag off and dropping it in.

Just as she was about to say another thing, a mechanical bell rang and she let out a sigh instead. "Urgh! Assembly every time... Mercy, lets go for Assembly, I'll show you around later" she pulled my hand and led me out.

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