My American English teacher

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So I have this American English teacher (ironic ik) and ofc we all make fun of her for being American. But once she was really moody and she was having a go at ALL THE KIDS. It was so fucking funny.

One of the kids said he was finished and she just started clapping and went "Bravo," and she started mocking or criticising ppl.

And she's like in her 50's and I'm not even joking she's part of an online fucking book club. She probably downloaded Facebook bc it has the word book in it like shit.

Her favourite thing is literally reading. Like wtf hunny get a life your in your 50s teaching a bunch of annoying smartasses (we're in a grammar school) talking about how much u love books like calm down.

Sometimes we have her for library lesson which is basically a lesson where u read for an hour and she always calls it a gift that we should treasure for the rest of our lives like wtf.

The only thing that actually brings me joy in that lesson is having an excuse to read mangas. That's literally fucking it.

My friend Robert and I like to make fun of Miss Osman doing her American accent and right before we were going into lesson, we were talking about how she's in a online book club that thinks wap means worship and praise. Then in the middle of the lesson she was talking about her online book club and me and Robert were literally pissing ourselves with laughter.

Anyway she has an Insta account that's private but has 610 posts (💀). She didn't tell us it we just put in her first and last name and it came up. I'm not going to tell you for privacy reasons but it was so funny bc we added her and she declined but we made a fake account using a 'hot Mexican man' AND SHE ACCPETED LIKE WHATTT.

Shes always talking about her two children and she's saying how if she didnt have them she wouldn't know how to control her phone and shit like that and it's hilarious.

Now that I think about it this is an app with books on it so if she sees this she's going to flip and me and Robert are going to get a detention. But then again, the whole class makes fun of her along with her other classes so Boohoo ig.

Anyway that's an update of my British secondry school. Thank you and goodbye :)))

Shit that goes down in a British secondry school Where stories live. Discover now