Character introduction

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Erik Beljajew (Укшл Беляев)
Age: 22 years old
Birthday: 20.01.1999
Occupation: horse rider, a student at Tama stable
Discipline/s: Dressage and showjumping
Sexuality: homosexual
Lover: None
- Andrej Golubew (Фтвкуо Голубев)
Family members:
- Iwan Beljajew (Шцфт Беляев), his father
- Faina Beljajew (Фаина Беляев), his mother
- Elena Bejajew (Елена Беляев), his younger sister
- Stepan Beljajew (Ыеузфт Беляев), his older brother
- Darja Below (Дарья Белов), his cousin
He is really kind and soft most of the time but keeps his secrets and feelings closed inside. He tends to play it off, laugh, smile, or just act happy all the time. Erik is a really sweet man, he treasures his loved ones, treating them like they are his world. He sometimes gets really clingy. Erik doesn't like being too dependent on people, he just loves being independent.
- Japan
- his female Akhal-Teke, Miss-tress of Winter (He shortly calls her his baby)
- dressage
- horses
- going on hacks with Miss-tress of Winter
- Natur
- his parents
He has blond hair with golden eyes. Since he's 3/4 Russian and 1/4 Japanese, he has narrow eyes. He normally brushed his hair out of his sight and keeps it casual. His short hair has an undercut and some lighter strands. Which makes it seem very bright and light.
He has a sharp jaw and a rather unnoticeable nose. His lips are heart-shaped and pretty narrow.
He has wide shoulders with many muscles and a six-pack to top it all off. He is 181 cm tall and has a really nice body. The slimness of his body compliments his muscles perfectly.
Background info:
He loved dressage but was forced to show jump by his parents. It wasn't like he had no talent, he was really talented and a very good horse rider. Eventually, after several years of training, he got into the Olympic team for showjumping. It wasn't what he wanted but he was grateful anyways. After he saved up enough money he bought himself his dressage horse, Miss-tress of the winter, she is a 6-year old mare. He started loving her the second he got on her back. She was still very young at that time but she was his dream horse. his parents weren't happy about that and threw him out of the house, on the streets. He used the rest of his money to go to Japan and "learn" at Tama stable.

Haru Tama (春タマ)
Age: 19 years old
Birthday: 06.07.2001
Occupation: horse rider, college student (studies psychology)
Discipline/s: showjumping
Sexuality: ?
Lover: None
Ex/es: None
Family members:
- Kento Tama (県都タマ), his father
- Kagami Tama (鑑タマ), his mother
- Nami Tama (涙タマ), his little sister
- Kei Tama (系タマ), his little brother
He is pretty cold most of the time but everyone knows he has his kind heart in the right place. He never really opens up or shows too many emotions. (This will probably change with a new lover😉) Haru is mostly hot-tempered and rude at times. He doesn't say rude things intentionally, he's just honest and direct. This sometimes leads to him appearing arrogant to most people.
- his family
- horses
- showjumping
- clingy women
- his siblings doing something dumb or dangerous
He has brown hair like his mother and emerald green eyes. He is completely Japanese but his hair and eyes are just unique. His soft face complements his slim body which had 0% fat and only muscles that didn't show through his clothes. Haru was really tall for being Japanese making him attractive to girls and women. he is 178 cm tall.
Background info:
Haru is the oldest and was always the most fired up. He wanted to be on top and he's slowly making his way there.

Kento Tama (県都タマ)
Age: 47 years old
Birthday: 17.03.1974
Occupation: owner of Tama stable, trainer
Discipline/s: Showjumping
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Lover: Kagami Tama (鑑タマ)
Ex/es: ?
Family members:
- Kagami Tama (鑑タマ), his wife
- Nami Tama (涙タマ), his daughter
- Kei Tama (系タマ), his son
- Haru Tama (春タマ), his oldest son
He is kind but a real salesman. Kento tends to think of things as neutral and doesn't let his feelings change his decisions.
- his family
- Erik
- horses
- showjumping
- irrational decisions
He has gray hair and an elderly face and body.
Background info:
He met his wife in high school and instantly fell in love with her. She was a young show-jumping talent while he was just a trainer for little children. They had Haru when they were 28 years old.

Kagami Tama (鑑タマ)
Age: 47 years old
Birthday: 15.02.1974
Occupation: Owner of Tama stable, trainer
Discipline/s: Cross country and showjumping
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lover: Kento Tama (県都タマ)
Ex/es: ?
Family members:
- Kento Tama (県都タマ), her husband
- Nami Tama (涙タマ), her daughter
- Kei Tama (系タマ), her son
- Haru Tama (春タマ), her oldest son
She is a kind calm woman who is always worried about her children. She loves them more than anything in this world and just wants them to be happy.
- her family
- Erik
- horses
- showjumping
- her children being happy
- her children being sad, irritated or uncomfortable
She has brown hair with white strands coming from her hair roots. Her eyes are black with a small glimmer of dark green. She has wide hips due to having given birth to 3 kids. Kagami still looks pretty young for her age, some even think she's in her late thirties.
Background info:
She met her husband in high school and instantly fell in love with him. He was a young showjumping trainer for little children. She loved the way he taught the children how to make their horses jump or count the strides. They had Haru when they were 28 years old.

Nami Tama (涙タマ)
Age: 12
Birthday: 19.08.2010
Occupation: Middle school 1st year, horse rider
Discipline/s: Showjumping
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Lover: None
Ex/es: None
Family members:
- Kento Tama (県都タマ), her father
- Kagami Tama (鑑タマ), her mother
- Kei Tama (系タマ), her younger brother
- Haru Tama (春タマ), her older brother
She's a bubbly, quirky person who always cheers everyone up somehow.
- her family
- Erik
- her friends
- horses
- showjumping
- her pony, Saku
- her brother, Haru, worrying too much about him
She has black hair and black eyes. A small chubby face and a slim body.
Background info:
She was born 2 weeks early but she was completely healthy

Kei Tama (系タマ)
Age: 9 years old
Birthday: 01.011.2013
Occupation: 2nd grade pre schooler, horse rider
Discipline/s: ?
Sexuality: ?
Lover: None
Ex/es: None
Family members:
- Kento Tama (県都タマ), his father
- Kagami Tama (鑑タマ), his mother
-  Nami Tama (涙タマ), his younger brother
- Haru Tama (春タマ), his older brother
A bubbly little child.
He has brown hair and black eyes and soft facial expressions.

(1184 words)

Those were all the interesting characters. Others will be introduced throughout the story.

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