The Rich Boy and His Thug

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Dio isn't evil and they're still in the 1800's because reasons...

And Sam doesn't know how to add Dio in this story as an antagonist because she's an idiot....


Robert E.O. Speedwagon, his friend, his ally, his love.

Well...not HIS his love but he loved him. He knew it was impure and a sin to love a man in this time but, he just couldn't help it. "Mr. Joestar?" Speedwagon tapped on his shoulder. "Yes?" "You've been spacing out, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I'm alright, Robert." Jonathan answered him. Speedwagon smiled and nodded, "That's good. Well, I'm gonna go then, be safe." Speedwagon said, waving. Jonathan smiled and nodded. He waved and walked home.


Dio laughed at him. "You still haven't told him?! THAT'S PRICELESS!!" Dio laughed harder. "DON'T LAUGH!!" Jonathan yelled. "Sorry, JoJo, it's just funny." Dio apologized, still laughing.

"Well if he's not taken, might as well take him for my own or maybe have some lass take him." Dio said, smiling eviliy. Jonathan hit his head, "DON'T YOU DARE!!" Dio "Wrryed" in pain. "You deserve it, asshole." Jonathan huffed and looked out the window.

"Just tell him, don't be a pussy!" Dio said poking him and Jonathan growled. He hated it when his brother did this. "I will!! Just when I have courage...." Jonathan blushed and looked out the window again. Dio sighed, "You are the most courageous person I know, JoJo. Just do it." Dio smiled and left his room.

'Thank you Dio...'


Jonathan breathed in and walked up to his blonde friend. "Speedwagon..." Speedwagon looked at him and smiled. "Yes, Mr. Joestar?" He asked, and Jonathan grabbed his hand.

"Robert...I have something to tell you." Jonathan's heart was pounding fast in his chest. 'JUST SAY IT!!!' Jonathan's thoughts yelled. "I...."

Speedwagon stared into his eyes and Jonathan stared back. "I...I l-li-" "OI! ROBERT, HURRY UP!!" Someone yelled. "Shit, sorry JoJo, I have to go." Speedwagon slipped his hand away from Jonathan's and ran away.

He felt gravity hit him hard.


"YOU IDIOT HOW COULD YOU JUST CHOKE UP!!!" Dio yelled. Jonathan whined at his brother's yelling. George Joestar walked in, "Is something going on?" He asked. "WRRRRRYYYYY!!!" Dio yelled and Jonathan sighed.

George laughed and listened to what his sons had to say.


As Jonathan made his way to Ogre Street he saw Speedwagon on the floor. Jonathan quickly got out of the carriage and raced to his friend. "Speedwagon!" He yelled. He picked him up and looked at his face.

He had bruises and cuts on his face. "JoJo?" He looked over at him and smiled. Jonathan felt relief wash over him, "Speedwagon. I'm glad you're okay..." Jonathan said. "Yeah, of course it's just...a scratch."

Jonathan cupped his cheek and smiled sadly. "Mr. Joestar?"

Jonathan leaned forward and kissed Speedwagon. Speedwagon blushed and kissed back. They broke apart and stared at each other as the world seemed to time stop (ZA WARUDO).

"Robert, I have been in love with you since the day we met." Jonathan confessed as he ran a hand in Speedwagon's curly hair. "I have been in love with you too since we met too!" Speedwagon felt tears build up.

Jonathan kissed him deeply, and Speedwagon's heart skipped a beat. Oh how he loved Jonathan, and here he was, on the streets of Ogre Street tounge kissing the Joestar heir.

They broke apart again, breathless. "FINALLY!!!" He heard Jonathan's brother yell from behind one of the buildings. "D-Dio?!" Jonathan blushed hard. "Oh my..." Speedwagon averted his gaze as he tried not to laugh.

"YOU FINALLY TOLD HIM YOU COWARD!!! YES!" Dio yelled happily. "DIOOOOOOO!!!" Dio laughed and ran away. Jonathan threw snow at him and Dio was hit by it. "WRYYYYYYYYY!!!" Dio yelled as he fell in some snow, face first.

Speedwagon laughed and hugged Jonathan. "You two are so silly." He said and Jonathan smiled. He kissed his head and intertwined their hands.


This is kinda trash but people seem to like my trashy stories so....

*blows small raspberry*

Hope you liked it anyway!


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