That Helpless Feeling

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Dropping the phone to the floor after hanging up, Matei was horrified at the call he'd just received.

Emilia had been taken hostage by someone, and he had no idea who or where this call had came from. Dashing from the school grounds, he decided that the first thing he had to do was find Jana. She was always good in a crisis and Matei had no doubt that she would be able to help him rescue his sister. He didn't care what he had to do, he would get his sister back one way or another...

The first place he had decided to look for Jana was the Kafe, which was owned by three girls who's names all began with the letter K. It was half likely that she was working a shift there, so it would only be logical to check before making any other moves.

Racing all the way there, he was completely worried and desperate when he found that Jana wasn't there. As much as he hated talking to her, he decided that it would be best if he asked Katrina, since there was a chance that she knew where the red headed beauty was.

Sucking in a deep breath and letting it out with a sigh, he walked over to the blonde who was stood behind the counter. Her face was plastered in cosmetics which made him want to vomit. Swallowing his own disgust, knowing that it was necessary, he proceeded to speak to the girl.

"Hey...have you seen Jana?" He asked  holding in the insult that had formed in his head.

"Nope, haven't seen her since last night...but if you can't find her then you're welcome to hang with team Kitty Kafe, Matei cakes...ya know, if you fancy." The blonde replied, batting her eyelids at him in a flirtatious way.

It only made him feel more irritated by her and he knew he had to quickly remove himself from the scene before he did something that he would regret.

"No, that's okay. In your dreams Barbie." He retorted, walking away as a little smirk began tugging at the corner of his mouth.

His next thought was the den that they had so often used whilst hiding out. Racing through the streets and into the woods. As he reached the den though, he misplaced his foot on a loose bit of ground, causing him to slip and land with a harsh thud on the concrete of the ground in the den. A searing pain shot through his foot causing him to yelp. Despite the pain, he staggered to his feet looking around and hoping to find Jana. Unfortunately the den was as dead as a cemetery at midnight.

Stopping for a moment, he sat on the makeshift bed that they had made during the first stake out there and sighed a frustrated, angry sigh.

He was at a loss on where to look for his alpha, and the longer that it took to find her, the more danger Emilia could be in.

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