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"Yeah, my son Fundy. You know, for someone who said they watched me through a phone screen, you don't know much about my life."

I roll my eyes and turn away from Wilbur, pulling my knees up to my chest as I rest my head on their hard surface. "Shut up."

His chuckle warms my entire body but I have to ignore him, trying to think out what I'm feeling right now.

It wasn't jealousy, this was different, he said 'ex-wife,' as in wife no longer around; as in room for a new person.

But I was feeling something. He had a family with a fish... and I could barely even get him to take me seriously.

The way he shimmered when talking about his ex and even his son was painful, since I knew he'd never talk about me in such a bright manner.

Wilbur just watches me for a few minutes before sitting up to lean over, head resting on my shoulder since that was the only thing available.

"You don't have to pout, you know," He begins, tracing the large of my thigh where he estimated the marking to be. "You're aware of where you stand."

Given all the times we've yelled and argued with each other, I often forget the fact that me and Wil are soulmates, which automatically puts me higher than a lot of other women.

But it wasn't the same.

It didn't feel the same.

My soulmate wasn't in love with me, yet I can't say with confidence that I hated him anymore.

Wilbur stops his small tracing and sits up a little, grabbing my face to make me look directly at him. "y/n, you do know where you stand, right?"

I don't reply, he's just gonna rub it in how I'm only a soulmate and that's all I'll ever be, using the term that means so much to me in a derogatory way, like he tended to do.

"You're my other half."

Wilbur ends the explanation there, resting his forehead against my own with a small smile.

I continue to not say anything at first, never expecting Wilbur to actually be nice for once, just because I didn't think we were there yet... but— we were?

Every day I felt more like his actual soulmate, and so when the man backed away from my forehead, I leaned forward and buried myself into his chest easily.

"And you're mine, Wil," I muffle out, feeling his small laugh vibrate his chest as he rubs my back slowly.

"No need to hurt yourself with being cheesy, I'm fully aware of how you feel. You showed me today," He brings back up the customer, and I groan. "It's getting better for us."

"She was trying to hook up with you!" I attempt to defend, but it's no use, Wilbur wasn't dating me and had full right to do whatever he wanted with women; it's me who got defensive.

He doesn't seem to mind that though, because he just continues to rub my back, and I look to see him staring off.

"y/n, why exactly aren't we something yet? It's been weeks since we found out about the soulmate thing, yet we just sat here and argued, pretending we haven't felt the spark since the start."

I choke on spit and sit up, throwing a few firm hits to my chest as I attempt to get myself back in control. "What are you talking about, Wil? You and I both know we don't fit together like that."

"Bullshit, we act like a couple all the damn time, you just try and ignore it. Why? Why are you so keen on acting like we hate each other?"

I frown, looking over at anything that would catch my attention other than Wilburs crazed hazel eyes on me.

He's a dead man. Literally. A dead man from another universe with explosive tendencies and a manipulative personality.

Nothing wrong has happened since he's gotten here, and it worries me that maybe he's planning something behind the scenes.

There's no way Wilbur could have died and magically turned into a good person. No way in hell.

"What happens when something goes wrong and you flip? What will you say? What will you do?" I mumble, fully aware I'm talking to a man unstable enough to be happy one day and then kill someone another. "I'm scared. Scared that if we're honest with ourselves, it's gonna stab us in the backs."

Wilbur doesn't respond at first, kinda just looks at me before letting out a sigh.

"Let me rephrase it to something more comprehensive. y/n, I like you, and I'm more than happy to spend the rest of my afterlife with you, because you make me feel something I haven't in a long time; maybe ever! But if you aren't willing to reciprocate the feelings, or at least be honest with me, then I don't want to keep doing whatever this is."

Hearing him talk, I float to cloud nine and plummet back to earth all at the same time, each sentence he mutters pulling me into a different set of emotions.

"Whatever this is, huh..."



Yeah okay hold on 16 chapters and I'm starting to speed up a bit. We'll get there.

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