Chapter 18: The Long Path to Peace

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Artreide continued to work the scythe, almost rhythmically in a horizontal sway before cutting the last overhanging stalk of grass. To some the task would appear mundane, but to Artreide it was the opposite. He focused, letting his body become one with the Erto-en, free of distraction and concentrating energy on the motion of the scythe and the utter perfection of the moment. He became linked with the moment and for that point in time, he was free to be absolved of all the violence that had enveloped him in the months that came before it. He was at one with all that surrounded him. For a moment.

He was quickly interrupted by a toddler who had decided to perfect her running regimen by crashing into his leg. He eagerly hugged her and was also welcomed by Bohina. She held out a mug to him "Here, I know how thirsty you get admiring the grass."

He smiled before gulping it down. When he finally took a breath, he responded, "This is part of our training field. You'll be glad when it's finished."

"I'm already glad. In fact, I am grateful for much," she said.

They both looked down at Chenari.

"I know how hard we tried in the past. And now, with her, what is a parent without the ties of blood?..."

Chenari hugged him even tighter against his leg.

Bohina's eyes grew damp and irritated with the inevitable redness of grief. "A parent of course," he said.

Chenari could sense a warm smile from Bohina before seeing it, and hugged her leg this time.

"Do you miss training students?"

"Well, I would but I'm far too busy here. Besides..."

He looked down at Cha-Cha, who had picked up another stick. "We'll have another student to train soon enough..."

Jara was eagerly addressing her group of willing students. By this point, all could at least fire at a distance capable of hitting the target. Some could even hit the target with varying degrees of success. She noticed one particular student, a teenaged boy named Kurehl, take aim and hit the target close to centre. She smiled and waited for them all to finish firing off another volley before she gave the signal to stop:

"So, what did we learn from our attack on the convoy?"

All students remained focused but stayed silent, too nervous to say anything. She let the silence linger for a moment before she turned to Kurehl: "Not a bad shot, can you take it again for me."

Kurehl nocked another arrow and raised his bow. "Is it possible to make it when it really counts?"

He continued to breathe in and his eye sighted across, taking in the target. He aimed small as he was instructed. Just before the point of no return, Jara shouted something inane. His arrow spiralled off and banked well wide of the target.

"So what did we learn?"

Another student piped up. "The enemy is crazy."

Jara smirked before replying, "Close. The enemy can be unpredictable."

At the close of the sentence, she quickly fired off another arrow which sunk into the centre of the target. "The enemy will not stop, they are relentless. And so must we aim to be."

She watched in the background as a familiar sight crested the hill.

"Lesson over for today," she said as she started running. The students peered over their shoulder in amusement as she started running towards Yordu and Garwyn, before she gave them each a large hug, stretching both arms outwards as much as possible to welcome them into the fold. After the initial salutations, Garwyn gestured them into their map room or 'war room' as Lucern liked to call it. Skyene had received the message and was there to greet them.

"How is the erto? Our prodigy... Are they safe?"

"They're in the best place they can be right now, and they are ready for a long season."

"That's wonderful. How is she?"

"She is growing at a fantastic rate, and she is very eager to learn."

Yordu had to interrupt, "We will discuss it all in good time. There is another matter."

Skyene looked at him sincerely "Yes? What is it?"

"Our scouts have reported back: Slaker rebuilds a fortress and the exiled one still seeks the orb. For now, he has placated the people of Mes-Celesk and his rebuilding of his dark forces will take time. In fact, he's been given a great lesson in autocracy."

"And what is that?"

"It's easier to launch a revolution than it is to govern a people."

They all agreed but still shuffled nervously in anticipation of further news:

"Time it seems will be our ally, but in saying that... we still have a quest."

Lucern decided to greet her with his presence. "I'm tired of the suspense already. Go on then, let the words out..."

Jara replied, "He's been like this the whole time."

"You clearly haven't met many entertainers before. We're only charming when we're on stage."

"Not even then."

They all emitted a good laugh at this point before Garwyn took over the instructions. "As we were saying, Valezk has over-extended himself. On top of having to govern our world, he still has to build up his army and yet according to reports he is spending his entire time scouring the sanctuary library looking for an orb."

Jara replied, "So what good is this orb?"

"Well, the orb is horrifically terrible for our way of life, but that's not quite the point. The point is that he can turn that library upside down and it won't do Valezk a hint of good because there is no such book."

They all smiled at this thought. Yordu scratched his head momentarily, before adding to the conversation.

"There is however another who may have information which could lead to the orb. Another exile who goes by the moniker of 'the Sorceress.'

"But she is just a myth, surely," Skyene replied.

"That's what you were allowed to believe. Sadly, the only Guardian who knows where she is, is still missing, or probably dead."

"But that might be fortunate, no trail to the orb." Yordu shook his head before responding, "We can't take that chance. Hence our quest, we were hoping you would join us."

Jara interrupted, "But we need you!"

Yordu looked past the war room and through the door outside, admiring the students in the background training in hand-to-hand fighting, scanning his gaze over to the bar in the main hall. There he saw people who were once farmers checking over armour, or sharpening blades over by the grindstone. This was all before enjoying a drink together. "I'm leaving Garwyn here to help, but your actions over the last few weeks have proved that you don't need any of us. You have all proven to be very capable of leading the way. Besides, when I say we, I mean I'd like to borrow a few warriors because I'll need help too."

Lucern grabbed paper and a pencil.

"What is that for? A further strategy?"

"No, I believe if we are going to see our group divide like this and be gone for possibly even years, then we need an epic song and maybe a few heart-warming tales, tales that will be passed down for generations."

Yordu smiled as they all left the war room. He had no doubt they would all celebrate well into the long hours, making it stretch for a week before most of them parted company for the longest time. He hated leaving them, but they knew this next quest was the key to everything. It would be a long time before they all reunited. He just hoped they all lived to see each other again. 

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