Chapter 6: Siberia

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Sinister spent over a week searching for Sabrina in Paris, but after coming to the conclusion the Seeker he chose to find her was lying, he went back to his hideout. In a fit of anger, he took the mutant child who lied to him and murdered them in front of fifty other mutants, using the child as a teaching lesson of what will come to the others if they cross him. Sinister is now out for blood and gathers all the mutants with seeking abilities to do what they can to find Sabrina. 

Three weeks have passed in the Avengers HQ, every day the Avengers train with Sabrina, learning how to fight the different mutations they are sure to face. Tony creates new tech that will stun and tranquilize the mutants instead of killing them and also creates a new earplug that will completely block out the sound of any mutant's sonic screams. Things seem to be going well for most of the Avengers, but no one has been able to find any new locations that Sinister may be in. "Are you sure you don't know where they are hiding?" Steve asks Sabrina after a long trip of scouting out possible locations Sinister may be. "I am sorry Steve, I was always blindfolded, or shielded from knowing any information. I only knew of the training base you cleared out a month ago." Sabrina confesses with irritation at herself for not being able to be more help. "I can try seeking mutants, but that may alert another seeker of where I am," She adds hopelessly. 

Although progress on the mission is being made, progress between Bucky and Sabrina has stayed futile. Sabrina has tried killing Bucky multiple times since her stay at HQ began. 

"There was a vote today on whether or not you should leave the headquarters," Wanda tells Sabrina after she went too far in training against Bucky, leaving him paralyzed before Sabrina reluctantly healed him. "Everyone thinks you are too dangerous to keep around," Wanda adds sighing and shaking her head. Sabrina was worried that her actions may have ruined all of her new progress to becoming a better person, or Avenger. 

"So... Are you here to tell me to pack my bags?" Sabrina says to Wanda with a worried look on her face. 

"No... I know he is probably the last person you want on your side... but, Bucky convinced those who want you gone to give you another shot." Wanda says as the two sit alone together in Sabrina's room. 

"I don't need him to be my knight in shining armor," Sabrina says getting heated. Why he doesn't get the hint about her hating him. 

"He's not trying to be, Sabrina. But he does understand why you hate him, and he is trying to make amends." Wanda explains. Sabrina starts to argue back but Wanda stops her, "There's more... Majority vote agreed that you can stay here if you and Bucky do the next scouting mission together." When Sabrina hears this she freaks out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Sabrina yells loud enough for everyone in the kitchen and conference room to hear her. 

"I don't think she is too happy about the terms and agreement of staying here," Sam chuckles to Steve and Bucky who are all sitting around a large table in the kitchen. 

"No fucking way." Sabrina continues to shout. Wanda stands up next to Sabrina and puts her hands on her shoulders giving her the queue to calm down. 

"It is the only way everyone will let you stay here," Wanda says once Sabrina finally calms down. "I know this sucks, trust me, but it's better if you just go and get it done, you don't even have to talk to him," Wanda adds with a playful smile knowing that Sabrina would rather talk to Sinister than to Bucky. 

"Fine... Just one mission," Sabrina says. Wanda gives a little cheer of joy and tells Sabrina she is going to tell the group the good news. Sabrina and Wanda have become very close over the past month, and Sabrina feels Wanda is the only person she can confide in. Sabrina knows she can talk to Steve or Nat or anyone else, other than Bucky. But she knows that Steve will just give her a pep talk that isn't as helpful as he thinks it is, and Nat will probably just tell Steve everything Sabrina says. 

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