e s u r i e n t

916 45 27

s h a t t e r e d  h e a r t s

c h a p t e r  18

As soon as we enter the kitchen, I see that it's empty. When I should be thinking about where everyone else is, I'm not even thinking about them. I'm so lost in Sam. He sets me down on a chair. "You're really strong" I say to him as I look at him. Watching as he gives me this smirk. "Working out does do that. And you fit perfectly in my arms. I'm going to be carrying you a lot in our future. I do enjoy it" He says to me and my cheeks redden even more, which I'm not sure is possible.

"What are you going to be making?" I ask him. A bit curious about it. Sam gives me a wink as he is preparing something, taking things out of the fridge. The way that he is doing things it's like he belongs here. As if he has been here for a very long time. Even when I know that he has never entered this Pack before now, I know that he does feel like home. But, at the same time I don't want him to feel like home. I want to leave this place and I want to go away with him.

In truth I really want to get away from here as quickly as possible because this place will only bring me pain the longer that I'm here. I want to leave and get away with Sam to his Pack. I just hope the Alpha there will let me in but I know that no Alpha would ever keep away Mates that do belong together and Sam and I do belong together. More than anyone can ever imagine. He's mine and I'm his and there is no one that can tell us otherwise and no one will keep us apart.

"I was thinking hamburgers. I have a feeling that you like them just as much as I do" He says and I eye him. "How did you know that was one of my favorite food?" I ask him. He gives me a smile and then shrugs. "Oh, call it a hunch" He says with a mysterious voice which makes me give him a small smile. The way that he knows me is beyond anything but at the same time I like it because he does know me, perhaps even more than I know myself and I like it, really I do.

The way that Sam moves in the kitchen is unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's like he belongs in the kitchen and not just this kitchen but any kitchen. He's sort of free and he does enjoy himself there, he likes being there and he does enjoy what he is doing. And I do enjoy watching him. I was about to say something when someone enters the kitchen and I notice that it's Nik that enters, he gives me a glare when he enters and I gulp as I find myself growing small all of a sudden.

When Nik is in here, I don't feel as happy as I did before and I find that I'm so small and so vulnerable that I'm not even here anymore. "What do you think you're doing?" Nik asks Sam who turns around to be facing my former best friend. Sam gives him a small smirk as he glares at him. And as I sit here, I do take notice that both of them are glaring at each other. I feel like I'm missing something here that I'm not certain what is but I feel like I am missing something, something very important.

"I'm making dinner for two. You're not invited unfortunately. If you do wish to be, then simply ask. Yet I do not have more ingredients for three which means that you cannot join us. I suggest you leave, it is clear you are unwanted here" Sam speaks. The way that he's calm and yet so polite does make me admire him even more than I already do because I know Nik and I know that he would rather use violence to settle anything like this, like most Werewolves would do, yet not Sam. He's doing the opposite and I have to applaud him for that.

Nik doesn't seem to like the way that Sam is speaking to him. "I don't want your pathetic food. I want you to get out of my Pack and leave my best friend alone" Nik says with venom in his voice. I watch as Sam only raises an eyebrow at Nik and doesn't seem that threatened by his voice. I know that Nik is used to getting the things that he wants and when he does command people, they do what he says because he's the future Alpha and no one really wants to get on his bad side.

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