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My eyes slowly open to see a slumped face in front of me; it was y/n's head on my chest, her hand aimlessly pawed at my shirt from a dream.

I watch the girl as a smile inches onto my face and I try my best not to move, fearful it'll wake her up if she's a light sleeper.

I'd never been awake before y/n, usually she was already up and running by the time I'd just started opening my eyes. But seeing her sleeping state right now made me wanna keep waking up early.

I reach out with small bits of hesitation to run my fingers through y/n's hair, eventually just going through with it.

It's a careful touch, and I slowly find myself getting more comfortable. That is, until y/n begins coming to, eyes cracking open with a crease.

She looks to me and I let her hair go, trying to play it off cool. "Wil?"

Her drowsy voice makes me smile, adjusting myself a little as she sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"What time is it?"

I grab my phone from the side table, clicking it on to flinch at a bright screen. "Ten."

She nods, laying back down on me. I guess she hadn't realized the position we were laying in quite yet, because she'd already be yelling at me for it.

But it doesn't take long, because her head shoots back up within seconds, looking to me. "Wilbur?!"

"Morning Sweets, how are ya?"

Apparently a cocky response isn't good, because her entire body goes into panic mode, jumping away from the bed like a cat with cucumbers as she scurries around, lost as to what she herself was doing.

I would calm her, but it's too funny to watch her look around spastically; the poor woman is scared shitless.

"What happened?! What did I do?! Was I drugged? Wilbur is in my bed!"

Only a few more moments of enjoyment pass before I decide to stand up, and rest a hand to her shoulder. "y/n, Honey, chill; we're a couple now, this isn't a very unnatural occurrence."

She seems to nod towards herself, mumbling inaudible things quietly before finally speaking up. "But we've only been together for a few hours."

"Our situation is special, you know that."

She groans, rubbing a hand down her face. Guess it's too early to get into this conversation; so I don't, and instead my body wanders towards the bathroom so I could use it.

While washing my hands, I hear a sudden thud, making me drop to the ground off a fearful instinct, looking out of the bathroom cautiously.

"y/n, are you okay?!"

I exclaim, hands a little shaky as I attempt to force them into submission, stuffing them away in my pockets when they don't relax.


I slowly get up, looking out again to see she'd left the room. I use the wall as help to guide me into the living room, where I see her picking things up off the ground.

Her head turns to look at me, offering a smile that relaxed my nerves a small bit. "Sorry, I dropped the books I was trying to grab."

My head simply nods, and I register the fact that my mental state may be slipping a bit.

That's no good.

How long had it been since I snapped? Are the feelings going to slowly build again? Or am I just gonna... loose myself?

I fear that one day I'll wake up with my stability lost, and y/n will push me away. I don't wanna loose her, I can't; but how do I prevent it?

Is it up to her?

Am I gonna fail even in my afterlife?

The thoughts that raced through my mind shook me up, and I zone out, images of all I'd done seeming to catch up.

My nation... my people... the blood and tears... gone.


Eventually I shake my head and look over at y/n, seeing she'd gone from the living room over to me, hands shaking my arm.


"I've been trying to get a response for three minutes now! You just started crying out of nowhere!" She explains, and it seems like I'd scared her a bit.

My hand reaches up slowly, wiping a small tear from my cheek as I raise an eyebrow. "I guess I was..."

y/n is quick to suddenly wraps her arms around me, pulling my body into a surprise hug that makes my eyes widen.


"Don't ever do that again! You scared me! You were just standing there crying, shaking... you didn't even blink!"

The woman's broken tone brought me further out of my daze, and I finally hug her back, still a little confused as to what was happening.

"I'm here, and I'm sorry..."



What? Wilburs mental state starting to slip? But come onnnn they just got togetherrrr UGH how could the author do this to us am I right?

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