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[Demon x Human]
[Exhibitionism,Edging,Breeding, Overstimulation]
*2nd Person

Note: Play whatever song you think would fit for a club scene

The mixture of young adult chatter drowned in the ambience of the club became prominent the moment you walked in. You dressed in your best party attire ,preferably something above mid-driff like your favorite laced romper. It hugged your body kindly with each step you took. In great anticipation you pepped yourself to the bar for a drink. "A bottle of Jack Daniel's " you ordered right as you sat down.

The bartender gave a short click of his tounge with a wink... Flirtatious hmm.? Your lips formed into a precious smirk before you returned to normal. It wasn't some guy at the bar you were looking for anyway.. Your plan was a little flawed , I mean.. it was only a club after all but somehow you still wanted a good time.

Before you could finish your thought the bartender handed you the bottle with the glass not even halfway filled. ..What did he think of you..? You weren't some little lightweight.."Jackass" you murmured before snatching the bottle and pouring more.

His fingers lingered around the bottle trying to touch yours before you snagged at it as he snarled in disgust. " Tsk. .." A real smirk appeared as you poured the glass full, gulping it all down without a thought. "I can hold it.. .sweetheart" you put down the bottle and glass before throwing a bill at the man.

Your little heated body walked off without a word, leaving the bartender to deal with whatever mess left on the counter. "Anyways.." you scoffed before diving into the crowd.

Men on women and women on men, you looked around for a viable dance partner. Not just some lousy guy who would grind on you before jizzing himself at the thought of what he couldn't do to you. You wanted something more than you could imagine , and hopefully it'd happen at this club." ..Wait" a rhythmic beat picked up as your mind analyzed any guy you had seen. A faint smile appeared as you wondered on until some guy blocked your way. " Eh- the hell " you couldn't make out words as you scanned upwards in anger.

"Oh , woah there " the presence of a man appeared before you in all its glory as he gently placed his hands on your shoulders. " Didn't see you there" his massive palms could've crushed you if he wanted, but instead he charmingly rubbed your exposed skin. " It's ..fine" he made you pause at your words with a gentle expression before you realized.. .Im suppose to be mad.
"Hmp.. just watch were you're going maybe" you quickly brung back the composure you once had before you took a moment once more to observe his body.

" Hm..,yeah i-" before he even got a chance to finish off his sentence , you jumped to a quick conclusion. He had to be the one.. no other way. " You could make it up by a dance you know "his voice changed more deviously with charm as he hunched down a bit to look into your eyes. " Well I do love a good song and dance " he chuckled before extending his hand with grace.

Obviously aside from this gentleman persona he held onto so tightly you hungered to break right through it. You avoided the gesture as you melted into the crowd. At first it was nothing more than a little dance off between you and his off beat movements to the song. For a second you chimed in to copy him. "Heh.. " he scoffed a bit.. he must've enjoyed playing a little joke.

You giggled as well before getting down. The slight aura he created seemed to chance your whole mood. The more you danced , the more precise your moves became. For a second you felt a small rush of adrenalin as you guided a man's hand for once down your body to the song. It couldn't get any better..

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