I need you.

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Punk POV

I can't believe she was right. Now I'm doing what she said would happen.


Let me explain myself. People think the only problem Maria and I had was we were never together.


She had major trust issues with me. I had some trust issues with her too.

I had heard some things backstage about Maria and some other talent hooking up.

Of course me the idiot I am, blew up on Maria about it. After the constant fighting.

We broke up on the one day we actually got to spend together. Maria told me "One day you'll come crawling back"

I never believed her..until now. I keep thinking about the interview Maria gave about us.

"I was so in love with him and I still think there'll always be a part of me that does love him. I thought he was my soulmate, he thought otherwise."-Maria.

I might have thought otherwise but now I realize..i need her.

She is my soulmate

I slowly walk up to her door. As I'm ready to knock, so many questions appear in my mind.

What if she slams the door in my face?
What if she laughs at me?
What if she doesn't love me anymore?
What if there's another man there?

I knock on the door gently. As I finish knocking I hear our dogs start to bark. Yes, our dogs. They were like our children.

The door started to open slowly.

Shit. I hope this isn't another guy opening the door.

Thankfully, it wasn't. It was Maria's gorgeous face. She looked confused.


I must have been staring at her way too much because she said my name again.

"Oh..I'm sorry.."

She smiled a bit but the adorable smile quickly faded. "Why are you here?"

"I..uh..you were right..you said I'm come crawling back to you. I need you, Maria..you're my soulmate.."

Her eyes started to fill with tears. I watched as Maria closed her eyes and tears fell to her face.

"Maria..please say something.."

She moved closer to me and cupped my face. "I need you too.."

"You do?"

Holy shit. Is this real?

"I do.." Maria pressed her soft lips against mine as I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "Never let me go again.."

"I won't..I promise.."


If you would like me to continue this story, please comment (:

I hope you enjoyed reading!

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