Chapter 14: My bed

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The mid-morning sun speared through the thin curtains and right onto the scarred face of Remus Lupin. Last night had been one of the easiest transformations he'd ever had. Even though he had prepared himself for a through beating, he came away with only minor bruising and cuts.

It was official, he was an Alpha.

Of a pack.

'Oh shit.'

He cursed in his head as he tried to ignore the light sneaking through the window. Deciding, he would risk it, he sat up, and almost screamed when he realized one of his hands was caught under something. Panicking he pulled on it and caused the weight to go flying. Only what had been holding his hand was someone else hand, and the shock of it being thrown caused the girl beside him to yelp as she was woken up rudely, in turn causing him to yell and her to scream. 

Finally the girl slapped a hand over his mouth, her hand warm on his shoulder as it held him down. A pair of warm grey eyes stared down at him and the noises stopped.

"You good now bud?" She relented in pinning him down when he nodded and collapsed back down beside him on the bed. Remus was silent as he thought about what question he wanted to ask her first.

"Are you okay?" he asked eventually, the words coming out cautiously.

''Yeah, I'm fine. Just you know, bleeding for the fun of it."

''Full moon'll do that to you.'' She snorted at his blasé answer.

''Perfect. Just what I needed to hear." Quinceta was silent for a long time before she asked him softly, "Hey Remus?"


"It sounds odd, but I could smell and sense things. Y'know during the change, I could smell James emotions and yours as you changed, and I could control myself. My mind wasn't dominated by the wolf."


''I know.'' there was silence for a while. ''They're Animagi, aren't they.'' she spoke softly, so not to startle him.

''Yeah.'' There was no point in denying it.

They lay in silence for a while, each stranded in their own thoughts.

Before long Quinceta felt her eyes beginning to close, and she nudged Remus with a toe. 

"Alright then bud, time for you to get out of my bed, and take your large snoring butt away from me."

"Excuse me, I don't snore." Remus laughed as pushed her shoulder.

"You do, and it's awful. Wake me up when it's time to leave. I need some serious shut eye." With that, Quinceta moved herself under the blankets and rolled over, leaving a stunned Remus to stare at her back. She had just shut down, and he thought that maybe she remembered what he said yesterday, and he grimaced. He hadn't meant to make her feel like a monster, but he wasn't going to lie to her. She didn't need more people lying to her.

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