Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

-Darby's POV-
The room got brighter as the temperature got hotter. "Help me Lisa!" I screamed eagerly. As Lisa began to run over to me and Imani the piece of land we were standing on broke into three.

"Ahh!" Imani shrieks. We were all on separate pieces of land. I looked over to the boys and they were all standing backs to the wall and staring at the upcoming Lava. We all didn't have that much trouble staying on. "Wait!" Screamed Donovan. "The sleepers!" I suddenly recognized the silent sleepers on the ground.

Out of instinct Donovan jumped from his rock in attempt to land on the sleepers rock.

-Donovan's POV-
I jumped from rock to rock in attempt to save the sleepers. "Donovan!" I heard Lisa scream. "This one is going to fall into the lava!" She screamed as she pointed to a girl a few rocks away.

There is no way I can make that jump.
But I have to try. I stepped back a bit on this rock as lava bursted from behind me. I quickly sprinted and jumped for the rock. I miraculously made the jump, but landed on my shoulder. "Aghhhhh!" I screamed in agony.

No time for pain I have to save her. I scrambled to my feet and picked up the girl. I jumped back to the other rock and then to the long piece of land Sean and Wesley stood on.

I laid the girl down and took about ten deep breaths.

"How do we stop the lava!?" Imani questioned. The lava kept rising higher and higher.

As soon as she said this Lisa's rock broke in two and she fell into the lava with a shriek.

Everyone stared at where she fell in awe. What. Just. Happened.

-Imani's POV-

Lisa just fell into the lava. I stared at Donovan who was staring at the place Lisa fell in. "Wait a sec!" I shouted. "The lava didn't bubble!" I screamed.

"What do you mean?" Sean shouted. "Just jump in!" I demanded as I cannonballed into the lava.

-Sean's POV-

Lisa and Imani had just gotten devoured by lava. But maybe Imani was right. I saw everyone else jumping into the lava one by one it was only me and the 4 remaining sleepers on the rocks. Crap what should I do. I tried to jump to the sleepers but missed, I thought.

I somehow slid across the air and landed on the rock. "Wha?" I muttered. No time for that. I stood up and pushed all four bodies into the lava before diving in myself.

-Lisa's POV-

As soon as I fell I landed in a room that was identical to the other one, just a lot bigger. With furniture. I looked up and saw everything that was going on above me.

"Guys jump in!" I screamed. it was useless, they couldn't hear me.

Slowly, one by one they jumped into the lava and were sucked into the same room I was in. Sean was the last one in, even the sleepers beat him.

"No actually I helped them in Lisa," he said in rebutle. "How did you know what I said?" I asked.

"Because you said it out loud," he responded. "No actually I didn't." I retorted. "So what do you think I read your mind?" He chuckled. There was an awkward silence in the room.

"Challenge 1- Lava Room complete." Said the masculine voice. Then the speaker shut off.

"What is all this about?" Imani asked. "Yah Donovan since your the leader what is this about?" I questioned eagerly.

"To be honest, I have no idea." We all sighed at the inevitable truth behind that answer. "Anyways let's choose our beds." He said quickly changing the subject.

-Imani's POV-

Me, Darby and Lisa chose the beds in the far right corner while the boys slept on the opposite side of the room. We also laid the sleepers down either next to us, the girls, or the boys.

"Attention all Players" said the masculine voice. "We have a special surprise for you, orbs will be sent down. Choose wisely. Goodbye."

The tiles in the ceiling opened, as 11 different colored "orbs" floated down.

"What are these?" I asked Lisa. "No idea"

We all got out of our beds and walked over to the multicolored beauties. They all had different textures colors and "moods" to them.

"Well I guess we each choose one," said Donovan. "Shouldn't we wait until the rest of the sleepers wake up so it's fair?" Questioned Darby. "No," Lisa began "The less people choosing the less fights over who gets what. Now let's choose,"

It was decided that I would go first. I walked over to a baby blue colored orb. I took it in my hands and held it to my chest. "Awe" I said "it feels like the little guy is alive."

Next Donovan chose. He chose a red one with a bumpy texture. Sean chose the clear now that was shaped more like a pyramid than a circle. Darby picked a bright yellow orb, Wesley picked a purplish/black one and Lisa picked the gold one. There was still a navy blue, rainbow, white, black, green, and orange orb left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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