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Ah yes, confidence. Something I don't have.


This was made by circling words in a book and just using them so they make sence 😁 I have underlined the words I circled.


If you have friend that did something, anything, they probably have confidence of some sort. Confidence requires confidence. Hannah is very upset after she confessed to murdering her brother and his 5 kids. She is very sensitive about that, since her future must be spent in jail or on the run. She tried to cover up the murder, but found that it was quite hard to do so. She was quite good at murdering her brother, but his children were more challenging since they were brave and had alot of confidence to face her. She stretched the first child out on a device that was quite hard to make. The second child used to be her favourite. She was bummed when he didnt make it in the musical. He had such a great voice. The only problem was that he always got nervous. It affected all of their lives so much..

But that wasnt important right now. So she decided to take action like an action movie and killed him. The third child she forced to go jumping off a high cliff with no protection. With the 4th child, she had a good plan. She asked her crazy neighbor who moved into the new house next-door to try and do something for once and make the child suffer alot and die.

With the final child, she forced them to join a club and say something really normal and to be confident because confidence is important, unless you spent your life in a library. Then, she had to act like an action movie again. It was quite exciting for Hannah to watch the child worry about when they will leave the world. They kept wondering if they will jump off the cliff too. Hannah found that this torturing was all part of the fun and took the child on lots of adventures. Alot of them included doing things that involved confidence, like working in a team. Confidence is really important and gave Hannah the boost to finally kill the last child. 

Hannah had a long think about other interesting people to kill, apart from herself since you shouldn't kill yourself. She decided to find some other kids. She planned on forcing them to shave their head and wear ugly dresses. Then, she found Ava. Ava is the most important part of this story. 

Ava likes taking pictures, especially ones with filters that she finds on Instagram to make people think she is beautiful. She is completely in love with them. One day, she was walking on the pavement (like a sensible person) and talking selfies with her hair blowing in the wind, when Hannah walked up to her and asked if she wants to come with her. Ava said yes and she followed Hannah past all the people with their disgusting chubby babies, taking pictures of them without their permission. She was too shy to ask them and sometimes they would snap at her. 

When Hannah and Ava got on the bus, looking odd since they were the only ones without armloads of shopping. Nobody had the confidence to say anything to them. One old man did manage to walk up to them, but then immediately sat back down because the bus turned round a corner. That just made the awkward silence even worse, but at least he was trying to be more confident. 

Hannah and Ava got off the bus at the park. The only people there were some women with their arms full of posters about missing pets and children. Hannah started to panic, and was about to turn around when one of the women approched her, after noticing Ava on a missing child poster. A policeman came out from the shadows behind her, pointing a gun at Hannah. Ava manages to get away from Hannah, who was devastated because Ava would've been her favourite victim. 

The police arrested Hannah and took her to court a week later. Hannah is now out on the street, free.

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