Chapter 2: The Coronation

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-13 Years Later-

I walked through the savannah as the gentle morning sun touched everything it could get it's hands on. I took small sips from the watering hole as my uncle approached.
"Good morning, Mohatu."
"Good morning, Uncle Lengo."
"Are you ready for today?"
"I think so... although I think we should be asking Kusho if he's ready." I said, laughing a bit. Years have passed, and my brother and I had grown quite a lot since we were kids. I was now 20 and my brother had just turned 21. He was taller now, but still skinny. His personality has changed so drastically since we were young. Growing up, he became rude and only cares about himself. Anyone who interacts with him receives an angry scowl, met but disgust and disinterest. I think his insecurities got the best of him and now he uses anger to close himself off from everyone. My father tried his best to teach him everything he could about being a king, but Kusho wasn't always exactly... willing to listen. To be honest, my parents weren't completely on board with making Kusho king and asked me to fill in for him. But I don't really think I can handle ruling an entire country. Being a king is my brother's destiny, not mine.
It was the morning of my brother's coronation. My uncle and I walked back to the castle together, where my parents had just freshened up before the ceremony.
"Where's that stubborn, grouchy prince?" Uncle Lengo asked, greeting my parents.
"He's in his room, supposedly freshening up." My mother replied, trying to sound anything less than apathetic, "Where's Askari? Is he back from his training?"

"He is. My boy has mastered everything there is to know about that special roar of his. Says he wants to use his powers to protect the royal family." During our time growing up, Askari went into the Young Warrior Program. He became an incredible fighter, who was feared but also idolized in our kingdom. And as he continued to grow, he named his roar 'The Roar of The Elders', and he learned everything there was to learn about it and mastered every skill that came with it. He became the leader of the royal guard, and was leading a mission that would last a few days. He was supposed to come back yesterday but was late, though he promised to be back in time for Kusho's coronation. As we continued walking, and arrived at the spiral staircase that would lead us to the viewing platform on the second floor- Askari walked out from around the corner.

"Father, it's good to see you!" He said excitedly, greeting my uncle. He bowed in respect, as he knew his father wasn't a very affectionate person. He then respectfully greeted my parents, going on to say that he had been looking for us. He pulled me into a massive hug. Askari was absolutely massive, and could carry full grown males on his back. I was happy to see him, as aI loved my cousin, but when I looked into his eyes- they were different. The whites of his eyes had become dark red, almost like they were blood shot... but worse...

"Askari- your eyes. Are... you okay?" I asked, his arm still around my shoulder in what had now become a side hug.

"Oh, that... well near the end of my mission there was a cub about to be attacked by a snake. I was able to save the cub, but the snake wasn't happy about it and shot venom into my eyes. I dipped my head into a nearby lake to wash it out, but now my eyes are like this. Thankfully I still have my sight, but the royal doctor thinks my eyes being dark red like this... might be permanent... But never mind all that, I'm doing fine now. Where's your brother? Still in his room I presume?"

"Indeed, he is."

"Do you think he's ready? To be king I mean."

"I don't know to be honest... but it's not really my place to say or judge. I just hope he can make the kingdom prosper as well as my parents have."

"Your angry and selfish brother is taking over the kingdom, and instead of trying to take it over yourself or worrying about whether or not he'll be a good king- you're worried about the kingdom. You'd make a great king, you know that?"

"I tell him that all the time." My father said.

"Then why don't you make him king instead?" Kusho said, angrily walking past us.

"It's not like we haven't tried..." My father whispered, before my mother quickly elbowed him in the shoulder.

"We're making you king, because it is your birthright. We've been training you since you were a child. You're ready for this." My brother continued walking without a word, and we all reached the viewing platform where the citizens of our kingdom were eagerly waiting below for the ceremony to begin. My aunt and uncle stood to the left side of the platform in the back, and I stood on the right. Two guard walked in front of us before peeling of to the sides and standing at attention as my parents entered the platform. My father looked at my mother before looking at me and then towards the crowd.

"Citizens- you have gathered here today for the coronation of my son, and your prince. As you know, my eldest son- Prince Kusho- is now of age to rule the kingdom. Prince Kusho-" My father called out, and my brother walked up to him, with a look of concern I hadn't seen on his face in ages, "Are you willing to take over the kingdom, and lead it to prosperity and with a kind heart?"

"I am."

"Are you willing to look out for all citizens, both small and large- regardless of species?"

"I am."

"And are you willing to pledge your life to this kingdom?"

"I already said yes, c'mon." Kusho said, clearly starting to get agitated, but my mother gave him a look and he quickly changed his tone, "Yes... I am..."

"Then you are ready." My father motioned for the royal mjuzi to come over. A mandrill walked towards my brother and stared into Kusho's eyes for a moment before dipping his hands into a coconut with blue paint in it. He created a upside down arrow on Kusho's forehead before turning to the crowd.

"Citizens of The Tree of Life, both big and small, loud and quit, prey and predator- I present to you, King Kusho!" The citizens let out a cacophony of sounds in excitement. Askari and my uncle cheered, as my mother looked over at him with pride. Though everyone seemed to be happy for him, Kusho seemed indifferent to the whole situation. He roared, officially staking claim to the kingdom.

~~~Later that evening~~~

Now that the ceremony was over and it was starting to get dark, we had a royal dinner. It consisted of my family and the royal mjuzi. My brother now sat at the head of the table, and quietly ate.

"So, how does it feel to be king?" My uncle asked, trying to break the tension in the room.

"Fine I guess. It doesn't feel any different to be honest." My brother replied in a monotone voice, only making the tension worse. We all looked around at each other, unsure of what to say or do.

"B-brother... do you have any plans for the kingdom?"

"Yes- many. Food will be the first thing to change."

"What... does that mean, Kusho?"

"You'll see, you'll all see. This kingdom will change for the better, and it'll change to benefit me."

The Lion Monarch Book 1: MohatuWhere stories live. Discover now