{Hyunjin x chan}

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Tw: violence, undescribed humiliation, non-consensual action, unhealthy eating habit, Angst, Attempt suicide, self-hatred, suicidal thought

Yea. Just brace yourself.


He clicked his tongue annoyingly, staring deep towards a ranting teacher that scribbled whatever nonsense on the black board, he didn't even want to know.

It wasn't because he hated that subject or he was somewhat dumb or the teacher couldn't properly teach them. He just simply lazy even to focus in class. He wasn't even determine to get perfect score anyway. So, why struggle your ass out if you had other goals that more important than that?

He took out his earphones and plucked them in his ear, completely blocked any sounds to slip in when he played the songs on his playlist and bopped along. He looked outside of the window, appreciating the scenery and watching how two cats rolling onto each other. Completely silly. It brought smile on his face.

He didn't have any idea of what happened until he felt the tension in the class' atmosphere. He turned his attention back to the front, realising how almost all the students were looking at him, with amusements adorned their faces. He cowered, feeling overwhelmed under the bombarded attention.

He pulled out the earbuds when the teacher looked like muttering something.

"Are you listening, Christopher?" the teacher with rectangle spectacles eyeing him suspiciously. Chan nodded slightly not wanting to pick a fight or make a scene if he was being too honest with the teacher.

"Okay, answer this equation then. Come in front,"

Oh shit.

Chan bit his lips hard. He haven't even focus for once in this particular subject ever since in January. He didn't even feel the urge to understand either. So how would he know if he didn't know?

He looked at the thread of numbers with alphabets. No, there were mostly alphabets without a single number. He sighed anxiously.

In the middle of the stress hurricane in his brain, he still could hear how the whispers went around taunting and mocking, snickering and hushing. And all of that made him done tiredly and straight his eyes right into the teacher's orbs without hesitation.

He shrugged his shoulders with nonchalant. "I don't know, teacher,"

"Dumb bitch," that was a voice of the queen in the class that sat a little bit more
front than his seat. She glanced towards him with disgust when everybody around her started to snicker and laugh along.

"Don't laugh!" the teacher warned making Chan rolled his eyes to the back. "You, Christopher. Detention this afternoon for daydreaming in my class!"

The girl snorted again. However Chan just lift his shoulder lightly and brought back his gaze outside, not caring of anything.

He was certain that all the teachers already grew tired of his ignorant behaviour but once again, he could careless about it, couldn't he?

The hours passed by rather quickly but exhaustingly. He walked over his locker at the back of the class just to met with a slender yet tall body blocking his way. He just knew by the pose the body made that it was the 'queen' girl in his class that for reason unknown always had problems with him.

He looked up taking the mischievous smile in his brain. He rolled his eyes annoyingly and with nonchalant, brushing pass the girl until she nearly stumble over one of the desk.

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