I Don't Like Bread

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Baekhyun and Reader



800 words

"If you can complete this task, I will reward you" the dean instructs. "It's okay Dr. Byun, I don't like bribery, but I will help you with the task," you simply answer him. The dean just laugh hearing your reply. Few hours later, you return to his comfortable office, and submitting the completed task.

"Good job Y/N, can't expect you'll complete this in just a day" the dean impressed with your performance. "Just a small help, Dr. Byun" you remain humble. Then, he takes out something from his bag. "Bread? Oh no, it's okay, Dr. Actually I have just finished lunch with my friend...." but the dean hisses. "Just take it, I have promised to reward you this morning. Plus, I don't really like bread" he responses while handing out a bottle of juice as well. You are curious, and you don't realise but staring at the bottle. "Don't worry! Why would I poison you?" He chuckles, assuming you might think the reason you keep glaring at the food.

You are still curious, but you thank him and return to the class, since the next lecture will be starting in less than fifteen minutes. When you enter the class, your best friend, Sehun, spot you, gets closer to you and instantly grab the bread away from your hands. "Wow! Where did you buy this? I don't see them selling this at our café, nor at the snack vending machine."

"Dr. Byun gave me" you answered him short. You could see your friend's mouth wide open upon hearing your response. "Dr. Byun?? You really mean Dr. Byun Baekhyun?? Our faculty dean?? Why is he giving you this??" Sehun surprised.

"Well.... He said he will reward me after helping him with his task, which he did. He also said that he doesn't like bread" you recalled. "Wait, he said that? Then why is he buying bread if he doesn't like bread?" and you could only shrug at Sehun's questions. All of a sudden, Sehun toss the bread back at you. You are in shock at his action.

Sehun take a good look at you for a moment, then he starts to count something with his fingers. "What are you doing?" you implore. "Hmm.... Still okay" he said. "What okay?" your curiosity intensifies. "You and Dr. Byun" and you are getting weirder with his cheeky smile, demanding more of his explanation. "Well, I heard he is just in his late twenties, probably almost thirty? Hm, but yeah, he is called genius for some reason. Possess a doctoral degree, after that even holding a good position in our faculty...." Sehun expresses his admiration.

"Okay.... So? What about that?" you still slow in digesting the information he told you. Sehun scoffs, then goes flicking your head. "What I'm trying to say here is, you and Dr. Byun looks good together. You are hardworking, cute.... Hey, we're at the same age. So, our age gap with Dr. Byun is just around what, five to six years? So yeah. Some people even marry with ten years age gap."

"Nonsense! That is just nonsense!" You slap his arm after listening him. "What? Why? That make sense though. Go! I support you! Oh wow, I can already imagine my best friend here is married to our dean.... Your room will be just next to his office, woah...." his wild imagination runs freely, making you throw a punch on his arm. He just laugh seeing you already blushing.

Soon after, you see other students rush back to their seats when someone entering the lecture hall. You and Sehun sit next to each other when you saw a familiar face standing in front of the class. "Good afternoon everyone. My name is Byun Baekhyun, you can call me Dr. Byun, and today I will be teaching this subject for this semester" he introduce himself while asking few students who seated in front for the clarification of the subject. He takes a deep breath. He roughly scan his students when he spot you. You could see him flashing his smile while trying not to make it too obvious.

"Dr. Byun is trying so hard not to get caught smiling towards you" Sehun whispers. "I don't think he's smiling at me, he probably nervous or something, stop dreaming" you deny. "Oh! By the way, I heard that some students haven't found a supervisor for their project assignments. So, you can see me after the lecture, I can monitor and assist you for your final year project as well" Dr. Byun continues. This time, you can see the dean fixing his gaze at you.

You flushed at his action, trying to avoid meeting eyes with him. Sehun also realise Dr. Byun's action, and he smile brightly. "Yehet...." Sehun teases you. You nudge him hard. Sehun keeps laughing.

Thank you for reading.

Uploaded on:  24th October 2021

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