How I met Kian

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*Haley's P.O.V.*

Okay now this is gonna explain How I bumped into my crush Kian.

"Kort let's get out of the house and go get food. I'm starving so bad ughhhhhhhhh"

"Lets go then Haley" Kort told me

So I ran to my new room and got my skateboard and ran back downstairs and saw Kort already waiting at the front door with a key for the house around her neck.

"Ready?" I asked Kort

"Yeah. Let's go Haley" She said to me (Get the 5SOS reference from the song Beside You?)

*at McDonald's*

Kort and I walked into McDonald's and I saw two guys looking over at Kort and I. I thought to myself "I swear one of those guys looks like Kian." Kort and I ordered our food and went to a booth and started eating when those two guys I saw started walking towards Kort and I.

*Kian's P.O.V*

I saw two girls walk into McDonald's and one of them was breathtaking. I think I fell in love with her already.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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