Chapter 6

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In the eyes of students, “teacher running dog” and “class teacher running dog” are very serious insults. Yin Mingzheng thought Shu Ning would be very angry after saying this, but he did not know that Shu Ning was the soul of an adult.

Adults have no feeling for this kind of primary school chicken-style insults.
So he smiled indifferently and said, “Yes.”

“@¥%&%#!” Yin Mingzheng felt a punch on the cotton, he couldn’t help but slapped and said a dirty word.

Shu Ning was shocked when she heard that swear word.

Rao is that he is an adult, he has never heard of swearing, and he has never heard of such dirty.

He suddenly understood why the Wei family didn’t wait to see him after taking the little villain home, and kept vacillating between the true and false young masters.
Killing Matt’s hairstyle, scornful air, shaking legs, swearing…

Coupled with the rumors flying around, no one will like it.

The real young master is talented and educated, and contrasts everywhere. The little villain can’t be compared anywhere, no blame for the Wei family’s hesitation.

Originally, Shu Ning planned to find an opportunity to tell the little villain the truth and let him return to Wei’s house, but now he dismissed this idea. The little villain went home like this, but the Wei family didn’t approve of it, and I’m afraid he would embark on the old road of broken bones again.

Let’s correct some of his bad habits first.

The two came to the school hospital one after another. The school doctor asked Yin Mingzheng about the specific situation, and Yin Mingzheng said: “Fighting with people.”

“Where did it hurt?”

“whole body.”

The school doctor and Shu Ning were both taken aback. The school doctor asked, “That would require a full-body examination.”

Yin Mingzheng said: “No, just skin trauma, just give me some medicine.”

Shu Ning listened to it and felt it was impossible, and said to the school doctor: “He often fights, maybe he had dark injuries before.”

Yin Mingzheng looked at him with gloomy and violent eyes.

Shu Ning turned a blind eye to the threat of killing Matt, and continued to say to the school doctor: “The man who fought with him is very strong, and he is also ruthless.”

Yin Mingzheng pursed his lips, quietly clenched his fists, and said in a low voice, “Don’t be nosy.”

The school doctor immediately solemnly said, “That must have a full-body examination. For the brain, it is best to have an MRI, a B-ultrasound for the abdomen, and other films. However, our school can’t do these examinations, and we have to go to the top three hospitals.”

Shu Ning wrote down one by one.

The two came out of the school infirmary. Yin Mingzheng walked towards the teaching building with a calm face, Shu Ning held him, “What are you doing? The doctor asked us to go to the hospital for an examination.”

“Don’t go!” Yin Mingzheng turned his head coldly, shaking off his hand.

“In case of injury…”

“What’s your business?” Yin Mingzheng’s eyes are cold, the young man is not tall, thin, and has a gorgeous face. If he puts on a skirt, he will probably be considered a beautiful little girl. “You don’t hate me, saying that my father was in jail. Will I go to jail too? Why, now suddenly I have love?”

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